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miniBB Skins

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Author Steve Shaw
#61 · Posted: 2 Aug 2013 15:15
I'm using the 'Silver' skin layout, but I can't get the layout to look as is shown on the example...

This is the example layout
Wanted Layout

And this is what I actually get
Wrong Layout

So, what have I done wrong???
I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to work for me :o(

Author kuopassa
#62 · Posted: 3 Aug 2013 20:14
Could it be simply because the theme is made for much older version of miniBB?

Author Steve Shaw
#63 · Posted: 4 Aug 2013 21:18
Not sure... possible, but I guess Paul is the only one that can answer that???

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#64 · Posted: 5 Aug 2013 11:21
Steve Shaw
Sure, you're trying to apply the older-type skin to the newest version of miniBB, but this is a bit wrong (kuopassa is right).

What we have different in miniBB 3, comparing to the older version, is the templates/layout set.

If you want to use the older layout, most preferably you should take the older set of templates. We have it available on miniBB demo server - if you choose "Test Skins" icon in the top right corner, then select "Basic" skin, you will see the older set of templates and the old-school layout is loaded on.

SO - you will need these templates to update/overwrite on your end before applying the old-school skins (right mouse click - Save As):


Alternatively, you may look for the other miniBB templates names - they all could be found in the folder mentioned above.

Author Steve Shaw
#65 · Posted: 5 Aug 2013 11:31
Perfect - thank you as always!

Please see other thread now... ;o)

Author christos
#66 · Posted: 1 Jun 2014 10:52
From where do we install those?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#67 · Posted: 1 Jun 2014 13:25
From where do we install those?
Mouse over the links provided above, and you'll discover the exact domain and URL.

Author Guest
#68 · Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:33
Hello Kuopassa! I love the MiniSkin3 theme. Looks really good. However it does not seem to fully work with BB 3.1. For example editing forum I will get the following message "Can not proceed: possible CSRF/XSRF attack!". Any ideas how I could overcome this, or is there a new skin for BB 3.1. Thank you.

Author kuopassa
#69 · Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:42
Hey, Guest, and thanks for sharing your thoughts. :-) I've got no idea why you get that message, but it could have something to do with cookies. Anyway there is a newer version of the theme: Miniskin4. It's more advanced in every way. With it you can change theme's settings with a browser-based control panel.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#70 · Posted: 21 Dec 2014 03:57
"Can not proceed: possible CSRF/XSRF attack!"
This could not be related to a skin... it's up to your configuration :) probably, the forum domain you've set up doesn't correspond to the domain you are entering it... in most cases, this is www/non-www issue.

Author electrode
#71 · Posted: 14 May 2016 20:36
is it possible i create a skin myself?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#72 · Posted: 14 May 2016 21:09
is it possible i create a skin myself?
Sure... edit bb_default_style.css, providing your own colors/fonts, or rename it something, let's say bb_new_style.css, set $skin='new'; under setup_options.php and you could work with different skins separately.

Author JesusGod Pope666
#73 · Posted: 15 Oct 2021 09:08
How many new CSS Skins exist for the new version 3.5? Like i finally got miniBB installed and been toying around with theming for 3 hours or so. Still a long way to go to have completed but it looks pretty good overall. But this is by test and trial and it takes a long time. Hmmm
Is there any other CSS themes that is available overall, so I can look into the codes of the different and get some more understanding and ideas.

In any case... Some things to read up on for sure, it does not seem that difficult if one got the hang of it to further modify things to ones liking.

Here is my test forum at the moment, it is kinda messy but finally at least I can test things out :P — the Crunchbang edit it on at the moment, although not sure for how long :
minibb . jesusgod — pope666 . info

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#74 · Posted: 15 Oct 2021 18:40
JesusGod Pope666:
it takes a long time
You couldn't develop a good look without sharing time to it :-)

There are actually no prepared skins for miniBB. During years of development, CSS schema changed a lot and its contents, too. Since miniBB has been developed as a customized forum, I preferred to spend my time to create the basic CSS skin as simple to adjust as possible.

I've checked your forum and it looks balanced at the moment, maybe the font has to be changed to fit into white-on-dark theme. I personally do not prefer forums/websites with such themes. They are eyes-expensive, very difficult to read.

You could also post screenshots here if you'd like mention just a part of your work. Not everyone could recover tricked URLs :-) Like this would be better to show:

Wite-on-dark theme example

Author Guest
#75 · Posted: 10 Jun 2022 14:21
Hello Mr. Paul
Please send me the css file of the forum you posted the photo or another useful and beautiful template

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 miniBB Skins
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