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Author kuopassa
#1 · Posted: 3 Aug 2014 00:55
Miniskin4 is, as the name says, the 4th free theme I've built for miniBB. This time it's a bit more special, as I've coded a system that allows forum admin to change the color scheme, font and stuff like that from control panel. A screenshot of available tools:

Miniskin4 tool palette

As Paul is concerned about breaking the miniBB core, I've built this in a non-destructive manner so that the theme and the system just goes on top of miniBB without actually modifying anything from the core. ;-)

- Screenshots and installing instructons
- Download here

Author Jaime
#2 · Posted: 30 Jan 2015 10:04
I have of course also tested some time ago. Very good work and instructions!

Author kuopassa
#3 · Posted: 30 Jan 2015 10:44
Thanks, Jaime. It's always appreciated to get users and testers for projects like this. :-)

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
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