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Module Color Nick ver 1.0

Author Kimi
#1 · Posted: 1 Feb 2015 16:33
Step 1:
Open bb_functions.php and paste script below in end of file:

Function maunick($id, $mod = false) {
/* Function Color Nick by dungitcdt(.)com
* Right = 3: Admin
* Right = 2: Mod
* Right = 1: Member
* Right = 0: Banner
if ($ban = db_simpleSelect(0, $GLOBALS['Tb'], 'banip', 'banip', '=', $id)) $banA=$ban[0];
if ($user = db_simpleSelect(0, $GLOBALS['Tu'], 'rights, username', 'user_id', '=', $id)) $right = $user[0];
If ($ban > 0) {
$out .= '<span style="color:black;">' . $user[1] . '</span>';
} Else {
if ($right > 0) {
if ($right == 1) { $font = '<span style="color:blue;">';}
if ($right == 2) { $font = '<span style="color:green;">';}
if ($right == 3) { $font = '<span style="color:red;">';}
$out .= $font . $user[1] . '</span>';
} else {
$out .= '<span style="color:blue;">' . $user[1] . '</span>';
return '<b>'.$out.'</b>';
Step 2: Add script below to phpmyadmin
ALTER TABLE `minibbtable_users` ADD `rights` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
UPDATE `minibbtable_users` SET `rights` = '3' WHERE `minibbtable_users`.`user_id` =1;
Okey. How to use?
$name = maunick($res[2]);
Wish you success! :))

Author Kimi
#2 · Posted: 1 Feb 2015 16:37

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 1 Feb 2015 19:00
Thanks for this. However, we prefer non-core destructive solutions for miniBB. They make upgrades more easier - then you would need just to overwrite core files, without restoring custom codes again and again. Bb_functions.php is a core files... Also, I did not get the idea why would you need to extend the database - making the nickname in various colors could be built on the fly. Also, making a standalone request for the banned status means you would need to create extra 20-30 requests to DB per loading just one thread. Not good.

Here's a non-destructive solution I've created earlier for making the admin nickname in another color in posts. It could be extended to have the same approach for all other users.

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 Module Color Nick ver 1.0
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