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Re-assigning Hot Topic amount value

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Author Mr Tom
#1 · Posted: 13 Jul 2005 18:39
I cannot find where the string is for the hot topics setting.

Can someone tell me what file it is in, and what the string is called?

Author Mr Tom
#2 · Posted: 13 Jul 2005 18:42

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#3 · Posted: 13 Jul 2005 22:01
The thing you call "hot topic" is the fixed topic on the top of the list, I guess?

The option is bellow and is called "Make sticky", respectively "Make unsticky".

If this is what you have in mind.

Author Mr Tom
#4 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 01:28
I mean - to set the amount of posts it takes before a topic becomes popular. (Has a little + next to it)

Meaning, I need to mess with the setup files.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#5 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 06:52
Here there is not such option. You have "most viewed (in general)" and "most popular (in general)".

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 15:27
There is no such option and even no such icon. Page splitting itself gives you an understanding that the topic has many replies. Welcome to miniBB.

Author Mr Tom
#7 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 17:03
yes there is!!

There, hot topic. How do I set the boundry between a normal topic, and a hot topic?

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#8 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 17:27
As you are the Admin of the board, I suppose, you could add to every topic title that has this icon the words:


Listen, this board has not hot topics, that are hot for something else, excepting if some topic has more posts than some other one.

This is only the name of the icon for the topics that have more than one page with posts. The pages are separated by this value in setup_options.php:



Author Team
#9 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 17:29
Ah, this is what you call "hot topic"! :-)

The statement which generated the code for this icon is:

...elseif ($numReplies>=$viewmaxreplys) $tpcIcon='hot';

So, this icon is displayed, when the number of posts inside the thread is larger than number of messages-per-page defined in $viewmaxreplys.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#10 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 17:32
Sorry, Team, I didn't know that we write simultaneously :)

Author Team
#11 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 17:39
That's ok :-)

Author Mr Tom
#12 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 21:06
...elseif ($numReplies>=$viewmaxreplys) $tpcIcon='hot';

So, this icon is displayed, when the number of posts inside the thread is larger than number of messages-per-page defined in $viewmaxreplys.

Oh right, that's brilliant, thank you. :)

Is there any way I could set that to a number that isn't the same as the amount of posts per page?

Author Team
#13 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 22:31
I think, you may hack this in bb_plugins.php, pasting this:

if($action=='vtopic') $viewmaxreplys=15;

and changing the number $viewmaxreplys to whatever you want in "viewing topics list" section.

Author Mr Tom
#14 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 03:09
But wouldn't that change the amount of replys per page too?

Author Team
#15 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 09:40
No, this will not. This hacked option will work only on 'vtopic' page. Page splitting actually works on 'vthread' page, and the original $viewmaxreplys will have a power here.

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 Re-assigning Hot Topic amount value
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