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Registration successful page

Author lozmatic
#1 · Posted: 16 Nov 2005 11:58

Is there a simple way to define a separate (static) page as for the confirmation of successful registration?

The reason for this is that I've just signed up for Google Analytics and are setting up successful registration as a 'goal'. It needs to know the URL of the page that tells the system that the goal has been reached. At the moment (I'm running version 1.6) I get /index.php?.

Many thanks,


Author Team
#2 · Posted: 16 Nov 2005 12:15
Try the following:

1) Create a template named 'main_reg_success.html' (or with any other name - and put in /templates/

Fill in the content whatever you like in it.

2) Edit bb_func_regusr.php find the line $title.=$l_userRegistered; and the following after it: $tpl=makeUp('main_warning'); Replace it to $tpl=makeUp('main_reg_success');

3) Your template will be accessible via static URL


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Author lozmatic
#3 · Posted: 21 Nov 2005 01:20
Will '....../index.php?action=tpl&tplName=main_reg_success' be the URL that is loaded when somoeone registers?

Google Analytics needs to recognise a specific URL. If the above change still yields /index.php? then Google will not be able to deferrentiate between this and all other forum URLs.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 21 Nov 2005 09:10
Yes, it should be loaded at last.

Google Analytics needs to recognise a specific URL. If the above change still yields /index.php? then Google will not be able to deferrentiate between this and all other forum URLs.
So, you need to program mod_rewrite condition then, if you are using Apache...

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 Registration successful page
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