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Showing the number of topics in the header

Author tom322
Active Member
#1 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 17:44
I wanted to include the number of topics of a logged user in the main_header.tpl. I tried {$user_num_topics} but it didn't work (the value was always '0'). Is there a simple way to do it (other than an extra DB query)? Maybe some row[x] or similar ;). Thanks.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 18:25
main_header.tpl? Well, not sure if I know the template of such filename in miniBB :) I suppose, you mean templates/main_header.html...

If so, I'm also afraid there is no simple way to get the number of user topics in the default version.
You may try to modify bb_cookie.php for that.

Look up for the following string:

It should be extended to have the other field after it:

$GLOBALS['dbUserSheme']['num_posts'][1].', '.$GLOBALS['dbUserSheme']['num_topics'][1]
Then where it says

add the following:

for example, for the admin procedure, it should look like:

for regular users procedure, it may look by default like:

Only after you have updated this file, you may refer to the topics amount in any template as to:


Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 10 Aug 2012 18:31
Yes, sorry - that's what happens what posting without coffee, I meant main_header.html ;).

Not the first time something seemed simple is not simple at all (except for you ;). I'll check it out and if problems will report here, thank you!

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 Showing the number of topics in the header
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