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Installation problems, difficulties, hints; Database / configuration error via installation

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#91 · Posted: 17 May 2011 05:19
The most important thing is that now it works for you!

If you are using Compiler, you don't have to look up for more complicated guides in Manual. The supplied README explains it all. Compiler already did the renaming job for you. Sometimes I am wondering how people love to complicate their lives :)

I've checked the Compiler - yes, it also renames table names both in "_install_mysql.sql" and setup_options.php. But this is done exactly because you must specify the valid table names from the very beginning. Compiler builds not only default forum tables, but also few add-ons that use the database. That's why on the output you have a fully prepared database structure for all add-ons.

If you specify different table names, then you run into this problem you described.

Author :)
#92 · Posted: 17 May 2011 15:03
Paul is right. I've played with the compiler tool a bit and it brings "download and install" approach directly, you don't have to do something except what's written in a couple of lines in readme. You did what wasn't required - and you've got what wasn't supposed, it's quite logical.

Author end80
#93 · Posted: 17 May 2011 22:17
Paul is right. I've played with the compiler tool a bit and it brings "download and install" approach directly, you don't have to do something except what's written in a couple of lines in readme. You did what wasn't required - and you've got what wasn't supposed, it's quite logical.
Ok.. I screwed up.. What I did was follow the installation instructions of BOTH the readme AND also the manual. When I should have only followed the readme.

Usually following the steps in the manual is a good thing.
I don't recall anything telling me not to follow the manual if I used the compiler.
So though I see your point, I don't consider what I did to have been a dense move.

But anyway all is well now, and I'm thankful for a great program.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#94 · Posted: 18 May 2011 02:51
Take it easy, nobody could give you claims on that. Actually, your movement inspired me to add a note to Compiler's readme, that this is a replacement of the Installation Step#1 described in Manual :)

Whatever happens, is good, 'cause it leads to the progress. Thank you, too! Enjoy running miniBB :)

Author Georg
#95 · Posted: 3 Dec 2012 09:44
_install.php says (in red) :

Folder's protection

Vulnerable. In your current forums folder, where are you are going to install the forums, PHP script is able to create, delete and modify files. We recommend to set permissions for generic forums folder as read-only.

My setting is 0750 for the forums folder, what is better or the best ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#96 · Posted: 3 Dec 2012 15:35
It also may depend on your web service provider settings.
The folder could be always available for writing despite of its settings.
You may ask hoster about that.

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 Installation problems, difficulties, hints; Database / configuration error via installation
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