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Is there a way to have two, or more multiple admins, and grant regular user admin rights?

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Author vidir
#1 · Posted: 15 Jun 2002 10:44
I need to know if it's possible to make two admins, and how?

Author 4days
#2 · Posted: 15 Jun 2002 18:22
if they're both trusted users, couldn't you give them both the admin username/password?

Author vidir
#3 · Posted: 15 Jun 2002 18:35
yeah, but I'm one of them and the other one wants to have his user as an admin, and I feel that way too. So I don't have to have two users.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 17 Jun 2002 10:18
Like in our boards, we both (Paul and Sergei) are using this "Team" nickname. With no problem :)

Author PeKa
#5 · Posted: 17 Jun 2002 12:24
Best use Admin as a Status, not as a person. Just use admin when you need it, best do postings with a username, unless you have a good point to use your Admin nick.

You could edit bb_specials.php to give yourself and your friend a special user rank that would identify you two, I did that on my board and it works out pretty well :)

Author vidir
#6 · Posted: 17 Jun 2002 14:59
Well then I have to live with it :o)
Then I have to change the name of my admin-user, how do I do that?

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 17 Jun 2002 15:55
In setup_options, then restore admin info in Admin panel.

Author vidir
#8 · Posted: 17 Jun 2002 16:55
Thnx :o)

Author lun4
#9 · Posted: 2 May 2003 19:55
How can i add more than 1 admin to my forum! ? So that im not the only admin.

Author mmx
#10 · Posted: 3 May 2003 17:37
are you sure you do not need Moderators? - see manual for those. Adding new admins is not trivial.

Author Team
#11 · Posted: 5 May 2003 10:14
Adding second admin is impossible.

Author Gordon Werner
#12 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 04:06

Good evening ...

Is it possible to have multiple administrators on a forum? or do I just need to make them Moderators and name them Administrators?



Author Fritzek
#13 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 09:10
yes, make them mods, but take care: they only have the rights for assigned forums. so you have to assign each mod to each forum (if needed). but they don't have access to the admin area to ban users or ip's, they can't create a forum nor change it. this is task for real admin.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#14 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 10:52
Power to the people - yes. All the power to the people - no.

They could organize a revolution, which is not very smart to allow them to :) :) :)

Author Fritzek
#15 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 11:57
He Ivan
Voltaire has couldn't say it better ;)

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FAQ miniBB Support Forums / FAQ /
 Is there a way to have two, or more multiple admins, and grant regular user admin rights?
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