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Upgrade and Upgrading / Migrating guides

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Author Team
#31 · Posted: 2 May 2006 20:37
It's necessary to do a lot of steps... and you need to run .sql update of tables first. convdb.php is created only for the filling missing values, basing on old values. It's not necessary to rename your tables themselves, but you must do it for .sql commands. convdb.php takes the names from setup_options.php

Author teva
#32 · Posted: 2 May 2006 20:41
This .sql update is this

After loading this, i can run convdb.php?

I'm kinda newbie at this.


Author teva
#33 · Posted: 2 May 2006 22:30
Is it possible to only get users from db? I can just let old forum as read-only. This would even be a better thing for me.


Author Team
#34 · Posted: 3 May 2006 08:29
Yes, download the file mentioned, and after, in phpMyAdmin tool, or whatever mySQL command tool, execute the commands from !UPDATE_DB.sql file, renaming all tables by what you have in current database. For example, if you have "minibb_forums" table currently, then go through this file and search/replace "minibbtable_forums" to "minibb_forums" before execution.

After it, place the convdb.php file into your forums directory, and run it, and choose "1.7 series".

That will be much easier and should upgrade the whole board... Afterall, you can create new tables for the forum, and specify them in options, if you want only users to be moved.

Also learn this solution of upgrade.

Author teva
#35 · Posted: 3 May 2006 12:01
Tnx for help, it works now...i think

1. I loaded _install_mysql.sql from new forum
2. Droped minibbtable_users
3. I opened 1.6db and copied minibb_users to new file
4. Replaced minibb_users to minibbtable_users
5. Imported users to db
6. Run !UPDATE_DB.sql with only
alter ignore table minibbtable_users add language varchar(3) not null default '';
alter ignore table minibbtable_users change user_icq user_icq varchar(50) not null default '';
alter ignore table minibbtable_users add activity int(1) not null default '1';
alter ignore table minibbtable_users add user_custom1 varchar(255) not null default '';
alter ignore table minibbtable_users add user_custom2 varchar(255) not null default '';
alter ignore table minibbtable_users add user_custom3 varchar(255) not null default '';

#2.0 RC3
ALTER ignore TABLE minibbtable_users ADD num_topics INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER activity;
ALTER ignore TABLE minibbtable_users ADD num_posts INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER num_topics;

I then logged into admin area and did a random search on some user. Works great.

I know it works, but have i messed up anything? Do i have to run convdb.php?
Also, what is minibb_userstate from 1.6? I did not import this

Thank you

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#36 · Posted: 3 May 2006 13:16
Huh, minibb_userstate ? Probably some addon or something... definitely not a default table.

Running convdb.php is not obligate, if you only imported users table. Theoretically, it can re-calculate amount of users posts and topics, but since there are no topics, nothing to re-calculate.

Enjoy using your new forums...

Author teva
#37 · Posted: 3 May 2006 14:09
Great, tnx.

Author sipi
#38 · Posted: 23 May 2006 15:55
I have a similar situation. Right now we're on version 1.7e.

We'd like to upgrade to 2.0.

Can they both be done at the same time, or do we need to migrate first and then upgrade? Unfortunately we can't upgrade first due to some ISP restrictions.

All help is greatly appreciated.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#39 · Posted: 23 May 2006 19:52
1. Save your old DB (and keep a copy in reserve!!! until the new forum starts fully and without problems).
2. Import the saved old DB in the new enpty one on the new server.

After that see this:

You can, of course, omit the points with the "old forum" because on the new server you won't have old forum. Only update the imported DB and straightly install the newest version.

Good luck!

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#40 · Posted: 25 May 2006 17:12
Don't forget that we are also offering paid upgrade for a small fee, and you can save your time this way. If you have not modified a lot of templates and scripts, it could be not expensive - about $30 or so.

Author spidersilk
#41 · Posted: 3 Jun 2006 05:27
I'm in the middle of upgrading a forum from 1.7d to the newest version, and the instructions, apart from being wildly complicated and written in somewhat fractured English, sometimes just don't make sense at all.

In one part, it says:

templates/main_topics_cell.html: Add {$topic_reverse}, eliminate {$numViews}...

Add {$topic_reverse} where, exactly? And what happens to the table cell where {$numViews} was? Do I leave it blank? Do I take out the whole cell? If so, do I change all the percentages to make the table still work? Do I put {$topic_reverse} in there?

In another part where it referenced {$topic_reverse} (templates/main_last_discuss_cell.html - where it also didn't tell you where to put it, it seemed to be referring to an image, so I took a guess and put it in as:

<img src="./img/forum_icons/{$topic_reverse}" width=16 height=16 border=0 alt="">

which was the only place that seemed to be calling an image. But if I try to put it into the only image in main_topics_cell.html I get:

<img src="./img/topic_{$topic_reverse}.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="">

which is completely different. I can't image that both those image links will work... But there is absolutely no indication of what {$topic_reverse} is supposed to generate, where it's supposed to go, or anything. It all just seems to rely on guesswork.

Does anyone have any idea what I'm supposed to do about any of the above? This is really frustrating.

Author spidersilk
#42 · Posted: 3 Jun 2006 05:36
Here's another:

[x] templates/admin_searchusers.html, added form name: <form.... name=searchForm ...>, added new variable: {$delCheckBox} In a form tag, it becomes checkbox when searching for users who didn't make any post. It will be more easy to delete these users without additional prompt when cleaning your "dead users" table. Put it right after <li>, for example.

There is no <li> in that template. So no way of knowing where this {$delCheckBox} thing is supposed to go...

Author spidersilk
#43 · Posted: 3 Jun 2006 06:18
Well, after the next thing that didn't make sense, I finally decided that overwriting all my templates except the header and footer was probably easier than trying to figure all this out. So my upgrade finally worked once I did that.

I was thinking of deleting this post - but other people might be finding the process frustrating too, so I thought maybe I should leave it up to let you know that, at least for me (and I'm not inexperienced with this sort of thing), the upgrade instructions were really not good. And for anyone else who's having trouble - unless you've really, really sunk a huge amount of time into customizing the templates that the instructions say to change, just overwrite them and be done with it.

Author Team
#44 · Posted: 4 Jun 2006 12:15
we list all files update in our update history. What else can we possibly add there? Of course if your miniBB is too old, it's easier to reinstall it, overwrite all files.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#45 · Posted: 7 Jun 2006 16:09
At the very top our upgrade manual says:

You could follow alternative upgrade process described by our user Ivan here:

If you have not customized your board too heavily, it's the easiest way to upgrade. In general, we have designed miniBB exactly because of this - you can modify a couple of files and change it's look, and be upgraded easily simply overwriting all files - or - if you have customized it deeply - you need to keep your own customizations list by yourself, and when upgrading, modify some files, comparing them by our originals. That's why the list of files is kept.

If you don't feel strong enough to upgrade, we are also offering paid upgrades. If we would provide complete upgrade process, what for we would charge.

I was thinking of deleting this post - I doubt that you can even do it here ;-)

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