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Changing post topic / post message button

Author h4tt3n
#1 · Posted: 30 Sep 2005 11:23
Hi folks,

Is it possible to change the post-button in the message form so that it only says "post topic" or "post message" but not "sign in/post topic" or "sign in/post message"?

I am running an open forum, and i've experienced that some people are scared away by the whole membership-thing. Thats why I've removed the "sign in / signed in as-" bar in the message form, and for that reason the whole "sign in" thing is no longer relevant.

best regards,

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 1 Oct 2005 10:48
I would not recommend to change core script files, since you are loosing simple update possibility despite the non-important change. Just introduce NEW language variable in your language pack (or even better bb_plugins.php), for example, $l_enterforums2='Post it'; and then in templates/user_login_only_form.html just replace $l_enterforums to it.

Author h4tt3n
#3 · Posted: 2 Oct 2005 11:43

I'll replace the files I changed and do that.


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