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$closeRegister setting, and extra steps possible to apply, if it is enabled

Author fruitfly
#1 · Posted: 23 Nov 2003 05:10
Ok, I read the FAQ and if I understand it right, in the $closeRegister it should be set to '1' in order to make minibb generate a password and mail it to them...or to somehow verify the email address they're using is valid.

Well, I set it to 1 but it doesn't do that. Am I missing something here?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 24 Nov 2003 10:29
Have you uncommented this option?

Author fruitfly
#3 · Posted: 24 Nov 2003 18:24
oh my goodness, thank you. You know what, I spent a good while looking at all this too to make sure I wasn't missing something silly. hehehe, thank you. :)

Author james_lee
#4 · Posted: 20 Mar 2004 09:13
I don't understand. What do you mean by uncommented this option?? Please help!

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 20 Mar 2004 13:32
remove two slashes before it in setup_options.php file

Author james_lee
#6 · Posted: 20 Mar 2004 22:33
Got it. No wonder it doesnt work for me too~ Thanks!!

Author Gaaz
#7 · Posted: 7 Jun 2004 00:28
Hi, I set $closeRegister=1; so people are emailed their password, this is excellent but I want to change the succesful registration message so that it tells them that they will get emailed, otherwise all it says is "thank you very much for registering",

where can I change this message ? I can't find it any of the files !


Author Pille
#8 · Posted: 7 Jun 2004 01:02
It's in the lang file.

This line: $l_thankYouReg = 'Thank you very much for registration!';

Change the text there.

Author Gaaz
#9 · Posted: 9 Jun 2004 16:51
Thanks loads Pille, I must have missed it at first, cheers!

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 $closeRegister setting, and extra steps possible to apply, if it is enabled
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