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creating a guestbook?

Author scotawful
#1 · Posted: 4 Feb 2003 19:57
Yeah, here I am again, asking for help. I noticed that someone else mentioned this in another post somewhere, but it wasn't ever addressed. I'm looking to add a guestbook to my site. I want users to be able to access it from the main site interface (not miniBB forum), but I want it run through miniBB as a 'reply only' forum. I'm sitting here trying to figure out the simplest structure for this. Maybe create a new 'index2.php' file that contains the templates and cells that display just what I need for a guestbook page. Maybe someone has done this already? Any ideas anyone??

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 5 Feb 2003 10:25
Yes, it is possible to do. In bb_specials, you need to create post-only forum, further read manual here. Somewhere on the first page, you need to give the exact link to the guestbook.

Author Jaime
#3 · Posted: 21 Nov 2012 10:46
I tested it in my public forum. There I have but only a few addons installed, . Here the Guestbook works as described.

In my test forum, there i have installed several addons such as Premod etc. And here does not work the Guestbook. When I click on the number 13 of the Forum (Guestbook Forum) was supposed to be redirected to the post. This also happens in the browser is the correct URL (.../13_1.html), but i only see a blank white page.

In bb_specials i have:


Where could be my fault?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 21 Nov 2012 11:29
Blank page would mean there is an error, but you don't see it because in PHP settings, error displaying is supressed.
You need to check server logs and determine the nature of the error. Without seeing an exact error message, I have no ideas what's hapenning...

Author Jaime
#5 · Posted: 26 Nov 2012 17:40
Even a year ago I switched to test my older forum for the new version. I wanted to continue working there. But since I had probably caused an error once myself, and could not find it

In short, most certainly my fault, because I have re-installed and adjusted, and everything works as it should!

Again and again I note the miniBB almost never makes any real problems, rather I create them myself ;-)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 28 Nov 2012 12:29
Again and again I note the miniBB almost never makes any real problems, rather I create them myself ;-)
I would say, either the program works straight, either it doesn't work at all.
If it worked and stopped to work, something caused it.
Was it you or someone else - I don't know :)
But the program can't change its mind, because it doesn't have one. It's just a program.

Author Kimi
#7 · Posted: 1 Feb 2015 17:06
I writed module guestbook and it work very good ^^

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 1 Feb 2015 19:01
What kind of module did you write? MiniBB has such feature built-in by default... As described in #2 post of this topic above...

Author miltonbarney
#9 · Posted: 15 Apr 2015 09:51
Thanks for sharing.

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 creating a guestbook?
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