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Direct link to Disclaimer?

Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 17 Nov 2023 17:38
Hi Paul — it there a way to provide a direct link to the Disclaimer, so users can be sent a link, or have a direct link on the forum, to remind users of what they agreed to when signing-up?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 24 Nov 2023 16:14
I've made little changes to this add-on (available under Downloads), you could also update it for your website.

Now it's possible to refer to Disclaimer contents via the link: [YOUR_FORUMS_DOMAIN]/index.php?action=viewdisclaimer. This could be rewritten in Apache's .htaccess rule like this for example:

RewriteRule ^disclaimer\.html$ ./index.php?action=viewdisclaimer
Then the contents of Disclaimer will be available under the link [YOUR_FORUMS_DOMAIN]/disclaimer.html

In the view mode, the checkbox form is removed automatically, if it's put between '<!--disclaimer_form-->...<!--/disclaimer_form-->' tags. Check it in the source of templates/disclaimer.html.

Test an example on miniBB demo.

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 Direct link to Disclaimer?
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