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How do I disable FAQ, Language Menu Items?

Author Tanya
#1 · Posted: 20 Mar 2003 02:51

Love your system! Looks great so far... except I'd like to disable the FAQ navigation, and the language navigation. Is there a simple way of doing this?

Thanks in advance!

Author 4days
#2 · Posted: 20 Mar 2003 04:52
they're in the templates.

open up templates/main_header.html and look for the following line:

<td width="100%"><small><b>&nbsp;{$l_menu[0]}{$l_menu[7]}{$l_menu[3]}{$l_menu[2]}{$l_menu[1]}{$l_menu[4]}{$l_menu[5]}{$l_menu[8]}{$l_menu[6]}{$l_sepr}</b><small></td>

just take out the ones you don't need and then they won't be included when the page is built. here's the 'key' from lang/eng.php:

$l_menu[0] = 'Home';
$l_menu[1] = 'Search';
$l_menu[2] = 'Registration';
$l_menu[3] = $l_stats;
$l_menu[4] = 'FAQ';
$l_menu[5] = 'Preferences';
$l_menu[6] = 'Logout';
$l_menu[7] = 'New topic';
$l_menu[8] = 'Language';

Author Tanya
#3 · Posted: 20 Mar 2003 05:03
Thanks so much... I couldn't find the key anywhere! :)

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 How do I disable FAQ, Language Menu Items?
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