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How to set up miniBB to use mySQL database with specific port

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 25 Mar 2024 13:57
The problem recently described by one of our constant customers: in order to improve the quality and security of services, the hosting company changed not just the connection Host, but also the connection Port, which differs from default 3306.

In miniBB settings, we don't have an option designed specifically for the custom port. In general, it's a very rare approach used on the hoster's side. However it's quite easy to work-around miniBB with such option.

The solution is simple: under $DBhost option of setup_options.php, specify the host followed by the port and separated by a colon.

Example: if the host is and the port is 32311, specify the following:


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 How to set up miniBB to use mySQL database with specific port
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