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How to use the "class.smtp.php" to send email?

Author laimm
#1 · Posted: 16 Mar 2014 19:47
what shall i do with the "setup_options.php" to send email by PHPMailer via 3rd party server, such as gmail...??
where could set the parameters like these?

$smtpserver = "smtp*mail*com";
$smtpserverport = 25;
$smtpusermail = "google#gmail*com";
$smtpuser = "google#gmail*com";
$smtppass = "googlegoogle"

I've downloaded the ""...and I could send emails by "class.phpmailer.php" via the local server...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 16 Mar 2014 23:38
Regarding our Manual, just put the following under setup_options.php (in any segment of it):

/* Specify SMTP host here */

/* If TRUE for SMTP auth, set to TRUE, else to FALSE */

/* If TRUE for SMTP auth, set SMTP username */

/* If yes for SMTP auth, set SMTP password */

Author laimm
#3 · Posted: 17 Mar 2014 20:34
thanks! i could send emails now.
by the way,how could i hide the info like this? i could see it when i recieved an email that i sent to myself.
The sender:miniBB Support Forums <noreply#minibb*com> (send by www#hostcouture*com)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 18 Mar 2014 22:47
i could see it when i recieved an email that i sent to myself.
Sorry, I didn't get this - which way did you sent an email to yourself?
From miniBB forums?
MiniBB is not an emailing software. You can't send emails through it.

What you have in headers, mostly looks like an email from our own forum. But you can't change this ;)

Obviously, you just need to try to search your files for the lines you're getting, and modify the proper line to change the setting. Here is how.

Author laimm
#5 · Posted: 19 Mar 2014 03:36
oh.i didn't mean to change the "From miniBB forums"......
I just tried to register a new account on my own minibb, then i got an email that told me what the password is.
Of course the sender should not be "miniBB support forums", I say so by way of example.

In fact, the sender is just like that.
Although it's not written in english, it should be easy to understand. Maybe..
What i should do with it?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 19 Mar 2014 16:49
Sorry, I'm not truly powerful in these characters :) But what you should set for miniBB emails, is "From Email" and "From Name" values.

Respectively, "From Email" is set under $reply_to_email option of setup_options.php. By default, it equals to $admin_email, you should change this, if you want your admin email to be hidden.

"From Name" equals to the $sitename and it is not possible to re-set in the current version of miniBB. We will provide such a possibility in the next release only.

You can also modify emailing function manually and adjusting all methods you need. It's a bit not recommended approach, 'cause you would need to modify the core file which is bb_functions.php, the function is called sendMail. You will see all the info it sets for PHPMailer as well.

Author laimm
#7 · Posted: 19 Mar 2014 17:00
Thank you very much!!! 非常感谢!!! :)

Author Guest
#8 · Posted: 23 Oct 2015 01:12
Update to this: I have discovered minibb now has more wide options for phpmailer (read updated manual), and $sitename option just needs to be changed to the forums title. That did the trick for fine looking emails.

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 How to use the "class.smtp.php" to send email?
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