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Problem with //$closeRegister=1

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 8 Oct 2003 08:16
Ok, i'd like to set it up so people cant reg. w/bogus emails so i set //$closeRegister=1. I also have $genEmailDisable=0 and $emailusers=1. However, it is not doing what it says it will. Upon registering, they still have an option to pick their own password and it does not email them a password. Am I missing something?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 8 Oct 2003 10:38
Are you familiar with PHP?


actually means COMMENTED string. Of course, it will not work (and by default, it is not working) - you need to uncomment it:


Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 8 Oct 2003 19:20
omg i knew that and i have no idea why i didn't uncomment.. sorry for wasting you time... lol

Author siberiatravel
#4 · Posted: 25 Feb 2011 11:18
i set $closeRegister=1.
I also have $genEmailDisable=0

Yesterday i tried to register the new user, but the letter with the password has not come.
I have to restore the password then only the letter has come.
One month ago all worked..... I do not remember exactly.

Today I have created a mail box
- I have installed it in setup_options.php (before he was
And all began to work -
I tried to register the new user, letter with the password has come!!!
In what the error can be?
There can be a problem with my Hosting server?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 28 Feb 2011 03:44
Of course, if it worked earlier, and doesn't work now, the error is on your side, it's not related to miniBB. miniBB script can't change its mind and stop working one day just because it's tired. Most probably it's a hosting issue.

But also it is possible that your email server blocking automated emails coming from your forum. Try to check bulk/spam folders, add your domain to the allowed domains list etc.

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 Problem with //$closeRegister=1
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