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Static rankings in User rankings solution?

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Author Prince
#16 | Posted: 10 May 2010 11:40
Can we use something else place of "newbie" or ...
like star icon..
if some one is "newbie" get one star.. or advanced get more like 2 or 3 Stars.. ;)

for example I did this:

if($val>=1 and $val<=500) $rank='Newbie';

if($val>=1 and $val<=500) $rank='<img src="">';

That works.. ;)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#17 | Posted: 10 May 2010 15:03
You are giving strange questions all the time, pal.
"Can we use something" - of course we can, specially if it already works for you.

Author Prince
#18 | Posted: 13 May 2010 05:14
You are giving strange questions all the time, pal.
"Can we use something" - of course we can, specially if it already works for you.
I'm sorry for that ;-)

I put that cus it's ur program and if I want to do some change in it have to take permision from u ;)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#19 | Posted: 13 May 2010 07:11
??? You don't have ask for permissions. Modify it up to your wish, it's open source, GPL License!

(Oh that affects everything except copyright removal ;).

Author Prince
#20 | Posted: 13 May 2010 10:20
??? You don't have ask for permissions. Modify it up to your wish, it's open source, GPL License!

(Oh that affects everything except copyright removal ;).
oh.. ok thanks ;)

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 Static rankings in User rankings solution?
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