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Author sjach
#46 · Posted: 1 May 2014 00:44
Sorry! Your file has been failed to upload. Either it is not allowed to upload files with the following type or size, either such file already exists in the specified folder; either there was an internal server error. Please, try again.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#47 · Posted: 1 May 2014 01:04
Try the different browser please. If you upload from Google Chrome, it sends all ZIPs as "application/octet-stream". Epic fail on security. Our forums will not allow that, for sure.

Btw, it doesn't mean "File bank not working". It's working perfectly indeed.
Otherwise - Your browser fails to send the proper header of the file it's going to upload.

Author Guest
#48 · Posted: 1 May 2014 13:48
ok done (by opera)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#49 · Posted: 1 May 2014 19:05
Thanks for this.
I've analyzed your file and most likely you could supply it here on your own if you'd remove 'http' from it :)

Ok, is this all about you have changed?

'Florida.ttf' ,




P.S. BTW if you didn't know there are gossips that Chrome was developed under the request and control of NSA, so no wonder it has some of the "intentional" errors ;) Opera, indeed, supposedly works for EU institutions and it actively uses proxies to handle the visited content, but at least it follows most of the standards properly for the PR management to stay on the market.

Author Rand
#50 · Posted: 2 May 2014 15:58
BTW if you didn't know there are gossips that Chrome was developed under the request and control of NSA
These are the facts ;). If someone needs to use Chrome (I don't know why), then Chromium is the choice. But the latest Firefox or Opera beats them (not only because of privacy issues).

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