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Validate User Registration by Email Confirmation / Verification

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Author maxmito
#1 · Posted: 21 Jun 2004 17:49
It's possibile to have an user confirmation from user before his can enter in teh forum?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 21 Jun 2004 17:53
There is possible a registration via "correct email".


Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 10 Jan 2005 19:17

Is it possible to have miniBB send a mail for validation to ensure that an valid e-mail adress have been submitted? And not activate the login until that adress have been validated?

I'm having problems with user posting very offensive posts, and they are on dial-up connections so I can't ban their ip's and the ISP don't seems to care even after several abuse notifications.

If I can't solve this I have to shut my site down or risk beeing procecuted..

Best Regards from


Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#4 · Posted: 11 Jan 2005 05:38
1. A user registers at your forum, but with a password to be sent by e-mail.
2. The forum sends him an e-mail with the password.
3. The user receives the letter with the password, comes back to the forum and enters.

What more e-mail validation? If the new user have received the e-mail with the password, obviously he has given a valid e-mail. Of course, everybody could give a valid e-mail address and close it after a while. There is not a medicine discovered for this yet :)

The registration with a password by e-mail is a default feature in miniBB.

Why don't you love reading manuals? :)

Excerpt from the manual:

//$closeRegister=1; It is possible to avoid "open" registrations, when user registers, he enters desired login/password and from the first step becomes a registered user. The $closeRegister variable in setup_options.php now allows to avoid incorrect email address upon registration. If you set it to 1 (default is still 0 or unset), on the registration form user will not see the password field, and will receive it via email (password will be generated automatically). In the user_dataform.html you should have <!--PASSWORD--><!--/PASSWORD--> tags. Upon registration, the content within them will be removed. When user changes data, they will be shown. Having this option set, you SHOULD set $genEmailDisable parameter equal to 0, and $emailusers parameter equal to 1. And of course you should have sendmail working ok.

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 11 Jan 2005 11:12
Don't forget the 2.0 version includes "disabling profile" feature. Entering user's profile data as admin, you should see the menu saying "Members" - Yes or No, and you can DISABLE his profile keeping all user data in database. That actually means that this user will register correct emails until they expire. Disabling $enableProfileUpdate, you prohibit also to edit profile data.

Author Jim
#6 · Posted: 16 May 2006 21:03
It's getting late but I can't seem to find anything in the support area about if miniBB has the ability to be configured so that a person registering needs to click a link in their email to finalize their registration. I know there is a manual approval, but I may not get to those emails quickly (i.e., if someone registers over the weekend). Any suggestions? Thanks.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#7 · Posted: 17 May 2006 00:56
Yes, miniBB can be configured to require new members to validate their registrations: in setup_options.php, uncomment "$closeRegister=1;"
For more information, please refer to the notes about "$closeRegister" in the miniBB Manual - Config: 2nd step.
All the best -

Author _Marco
#8 · Posted: 18 May 2006 17:39
Thought about that too, but I think Jim is looking for an activation email function so users can enable their account themselves.
We don't have something like that but it might be posible to program. Afterall we already got something like it with the lost password emails.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 18 May 2006 18:27
In general, it doesn't matter, click users on some email link or not. They are 2 different email confirmation methods, and miniBB uses the easiest. Remember the concepts ;-)

Author Anonymous
#10 · Posted: 23 May 2006 20:26
Marco, you are correct. The activation is nice especially if a user wants to use the forums immediately instead of having to wait until an admin gets the head-up email, goes to the site, approves user and then (to be courteous) sends an email back to the user indicating they can now use the forum.

What if an admin can't get to the approval for a while? Users are now waiting to be approved. At least this way users can get to posting sooner and we have a valid email address we can track.

- Jim

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 25 May 2006 17:14
The activation is nice especially if a user wants to use the forums immediately instead of having to wait until an admin gets the head-up email

So, with current method, all users are activated immediately. The only thing they need to confirm, is their identity email. Without it, they won't be able to login. What's bad in this method, or you are talking about something else? How admin is involved in this operation?

Author Ajakk
#12 · Posted: 1 Nov 2006 02:39
and miniBB uses the easiest. Remember the concepts ;-

easiest for who?
1. for programer
2. for user

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 1 Nov 2006 03:41
I don't know how this question is related to programmers, in general.

Or do you want to say, that

- reading email
- clicking on a link or copying it, if the email client doesn't allow to click on links
- opening a confirmation web-page
- pasting copied link and waiting until your confirmation succeeds
- going to the login page
- entering the login/password finally

is easier than

- reading email
- copying generated password
- going to the login page
- entering the login/password finally
- changing password in Preferences if needed


We always hated kind of these link confirmations... as you see, our method uses less operations than "usual" method. And we're NOT going to change it...

Author Ajakk
#14 · Posted: 12 Nov 2006 13:39
coz opening a confirmation web-page
- pasting copied link and waiting until your confirmation succeeds

it same step


finally they don't like a random pass

Author tom322
Active Member
#15 · Posted: 12 Nov 2006 22:20
finally they don't like a random pass
I think it's safer to have a randomly-generated password (you don't want your users to set "password" as password and then complain their posts have been hacked) + they can change the password to what they want after logging in to Preferences :).

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