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"Bug" with the number of topic views

Author Pascal
#1 · Posted: 29 Apr 2004 13:42
The # of topic views only increases when you click on the title of the topic. It doens't increase when you click on a page number when the topic consists of multiple pages.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 29 Apr 2004 13:45
It's not bug (think about the logic). In general, we will eiliminate the number of views in next version.

Author Pascal
#3 · Posted: 29 Apr 2004 14:06
I don't see the logic and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not remove the Views column in the next release !!!!!!! I know the concept behind MiniBB but this goes too far, sorry to say.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 29 Apr 2004 14:18
The logic is: when you click on the second page, that actually means, that you have VIEWED this topic one time already. And we count only these "one-times". Topic views!

About next version... I guess, it will be very different release, let's say miniBB-2 or something, more oriented on new users... we will initially re-build the database, and practically rewrite all scripts. First versions will be mysql-only. At this time, we will continue support of 1.x series only on serious bugs and problems. New version will be oriented on medium and large sites, and we will optimize resource-powerful requests like count() and update() so they don't overload server on high requests. "views" is based on update() so it will be killed... In true, we don't see the practical meaning of it.

Could you explain, what is the sense of this field for you personally?

Author Pascal
#5 · Posted: 29 Apr 2004 15:22
... that actually means, that you have VIEWED this topic one time already.

Not necessarily. There is no corelation between the # of pages and the question whether a user has visited the topic already or not.

At this time, we will continue support of 1.x series only on serious bugs and problems.

OK, that's fine with me.

Could you explain, what is the sense of this field for you personally?

It says something about the popularity of a topic. It's part of the community-feeling.

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 29 Apr 2004 15:36
There is no corelation between the # of pages and the question whether a user has visited the topic already or not.

There is :) Remember that you can set number of splitting pages from 1 to 10000. Logically, splitting page means nothing - the whole topic means.

It says something about the popularity of a topic.

I disagree... The popularity is rated by the amount of replies. In general, for me as user is more important to receive REPLIES not VIEWS. Last times, me myself stopped watching the amount of views. What's the sense if the topic has 500 views and 0 replies? Probably, it is read-only :)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#7 · Posted: 5 Jan 2005 02:39
My option for the "Views" column is set like this:


When I have a topic with many pages and I or somebody else enter in the topic through the first page - the topic's title - the counter works. But when entering through any of the next pages - 2, 3 etc. - the number of views (visits) remains unchanged, i. e. in that case the counter doesn't work.

Is that a bug or?...

Now I tested one of your topics with more than one page. The same case.

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 5 Jan 2005 10:16
It is not the bug. It is the way the counter SHOULD work; because, if you think... what the counter actually means? How many people viewed the topic. Imagine now that you split the topic not by 30 posts, but by 3000 posts per page. Viewing topic here actually means that you pay attention to that topic, and with no matter which page it is. So, when you open first page, counter is working; for another pages, it is not calculated. Simple logics.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#9 · Posted: 5 Jan 2005 10:42
Yes, I agree :)

Author _Marco
#10 · Posted: 13 Feb 2006 17:18
(see related topic)

This is kinda strange. I've tested the counter on your test-forum.

Topic Smilies addon test in this topic is split in 3 pages.

Enter page 1: views + 1
Enter page 2: views + 0
Enter page 3: views + 0

That is the way it SHOULD work (so you say). I do not agree. I think entering a topic (on whatever page) should update the counter. Viewing the 2nd page of the topic is also viewing the topic. When you only count the visitors on the 1st page, you are missing out on your regular visitors who visit a topic a few times a day/week.

Some other strange experience:

Enter page 2 - Go page 1 - Go page 3 - Go page 1: views + 2

Every time you go back to page 1 another view is counted.

Could there be an other way to trigger this counter?

- Enter topic (on any page): views + 1
- Navigate within topic: no extra views

Does that sound unlogical?


Author Team
#11 · Posted: 13 Feb 2006 22:51
When you only count the visitors on the 1st page, you are missing out on your regular visitors who visit a topic a few times a day/week - our counter means we are trying to count unique visitors, who really read related question for the first time. Rather it's close to true else true itself, we are not going to change this algorithm, since we are not finding views counting important at all.

Author Danny2000
#12 · Posted: 4 Apr 2007 19:02
You know what, I big topics, (more than 100 pages!) people don't go to the first page!!!
this cause I have some topics that replies are more than views! and this is not good!

Author Danny2000
#13 · Posted: 4 Apr 2007 19:05
for example in this topic: [...removed...]
I have 6272 replies and 3552 views!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 5 Apr 2007 03:32
people don't go to the first page
that's right, because they already read the first page, i.e. they already read the topic.

If you would like all pages counted, just modify bb_func_vthread.php and remove $page==0 and condition in

if($page==0 and isset($enableViews) and $enableViews) updateArray(array('topic_views'),$Tt,'topic_id',$topic);

so it lists

if(isset($enableViews) and $enableViews) updateArray(array('topic_views'),$Tt,'topic_id',$topic);

We won't change it in the default release.

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 "Bug" with the number of topic views
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