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Different Header for Guests and Members

Author ypsie
#1 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 09:14

I did not want, that the active link was never showed in the header navigation. So I had to edit the code and replace it with a non dynamic one.

But I want, that I can use seperated links for non-members and members. For example: "Preferences" for members, but "Introduction" for non-members.

How to deal with? How can I include different header templates?

Bye, Julian

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 10:11
Header templates, in general, don't matter here. You need to edit load_header() function inside bb_function.php and handle header variables corresponding to user ID ($user_id). For logged users, user ID is not equal to 0, and vice versa.

Author ypsie
#3 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 11:52
Thanks for the fast answer. But what do I have to change, if I want, that the active link is also shown in the header navi??

Bye, Julian

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 12:06
Begin from the following: are you familiar with PHP?

Author ypsie
#5 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 12:10
Unfortunately not really, but I tried this:

function load_header() {
//we need to load this template separately, because we load page title
if(strlen($GLOBALS['user_id'])>0) echo 'logged out links';
else echo "logged in links";

if (!isset($GLOBALS['title']) or $GLOBALS['title']=='') $GLOBALS['title']=$GLOBALS['sitename'];
if(isset($GLOBALS['includeHeader'])) { include($GLOBALS['includeHeader']); return; }
return ParseTpl(makeUp('main_header'));


It does not work... the echo "" I will replace with the links, but what is wrong?

function load_header() {
//we need to load this template separately, because we load page title
if(($GLOBALS['user_id'])>0) echo 'ewfewfwe';
else echo "naja";

if (!isset($GLOBALS['title']) or $GLOBALS['title']=='') $GLOBALS['title']=$GLOBALS['sitename'];
if(isset($GLOBALS['includeHeader'])) { include($GLOBALS['includeHeader']); return; }
return ParseTpl(makeUp('main_header'));


Oh my god :) Its working. Thats nice!
Thank you... *g*

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 12:14
if($GLOBALS['user_id']==0) echo 'logged out links';
else echo "logged in links";

Author ypsie
#7 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 12:18
But what do I have to do now?
Instead of "echo" I use an include - thats clear.

But how can I define a variable like "{$l_menu[3]}" in main_header.
What do I have to change in the bb_functions?

Thanks! Julian

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 12:26
Actually, "Registration" and "Preferences" links are already separated by logged in and not logged in users. So, you can simply change this:

if($GLOBALS['action']!='registernew' and $GLOBALS['user_id']==0 and $GLOBALS['adminPanel']!=1 and $GLOBALS['enableNewRegistrations']) $GLOBALS['l_menu'][2]="{$GLOBALS['l_sepr']} <a href=\"{$GLOBALS['main_url']}/{$GLOBALS['indexphp']}action=registernew \">{$GLOBALS['l_menu'][2]}</a> "; else $GLOBALS['l_menu'][2]='';

and put the link you want users visit when registering, instead of action=registernew.

As about another procedures - just check how load_header() parses these variables... you can define new there or in language pack.

Author ypsie
#9 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 12:27
$navi="if($GLOBALS['user_id']==0) echo 'logged out links';
else echo "logged in links";"

This way would be much easier for me...

Is that possible? If yes, how can I include $navi in main_header?

Bye, Julian

Author Team
#10 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 12:34
$GLOBALS['navi']=($GLOBALS['user_id']==0?'logged out links':'logged in links');

and simply put {$navi} in the template...

Author ypsie
#11 · Posted: 17 Jan 2005 12:37
Thank you very much!
It seems to be working - wonderful!

A dream comes true ;)

Bye, Julian

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 Different Header for Guests and Members
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