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How to change/modify the miniBB(r) title at the top of forum (Logo)

Author bizniz01
#1 · Posted: 1 Feb 2005 08:33
I just wanted to know how do I change thetitle that is at the top of the forum to a picture related to my site? I'm refering to the one that says MiniBB in light blue at the top of all the forum pages.

Also how do I change the url that is associated with the picture too?

Thank you

Author vankul
#2 · Posted: 21 Mar 2004 17:48
19 Oct 2006 08:44 - Attached on merging:
changing default logo

how can i change de default top left logo "miniBB" ???

Author fruitfly
#3 · Posted: 21 Mar 2004 17:55
just upload your own logo to the img directory and then change it in the main_header.html file to go to your new image (main_header is in the template directory)

Author vankul
#4 · Posted: 21 Mar 2004 20:19
thankyou so much fruitfly, now its working perfectly

Author gare
#5 · Posted: 14 Aug 2008 16:29
The forum I am just starting has no name at the top whatsoever.
Within the main-header.html I see:
but no image for the logo or anything at the top. I respectfully request how to get the top of the forum as I see it within miniBB.
Thank you,

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 15 Aug 2008 03:36
menubug.jpg stands for background image, it's clearly written in CSS, it's used in HTML markup. It's not a logo image. "miniBB" title we have currently is pure text. If you would like to repeat the same, just copy HTML contents of our main_header.html to your main_header.html and you will be done (though I am not sure why do you need "miniBB" written in the title of your forums - there should be only your own title or image or anything else).

Author gare
#7 · Posted: 16 Aug 2008 15:07
Hi Paul,

I understand the background image, this is not my problem.

I do not want the miniBB logo there, I am saying that I have nothing there whatsoever but would like ot have my logo. I will DL the latest files and look at the main_header.html as the one I appear to have has no logo at the top at all.

Thank you,

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 18 Aug 2008 02:15
Well, just modify main_header.html and put your logo there :-) I can't answer you precisely because the HTML code is up to the logo you will have and the heading layout you have in mind.

Author gare
#9 · Posted: 27 Sep 2008 10:31
Thank you Paul,
Everything worked out very well, I appreciate your patience.

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 How to change/modify the miniBB(r) title at the top of forum (Logo)
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