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Setting up Email notification templates in the Language other than English

Author WernerHofer
#1 · Posted: 31 Jan 2005 22:03
i use version 1.7 and i would like to use several languages (fr,it,de,en). I downloaded the german language package and copied the files (email_admin_userregister, email_reply_notify, email_user_password, email_user_register) into the the /template ordner (overwrote the existing ones!). Now, when a user post a topic and the email notification box is marked, then this user will receive an email notification, but always in english and not in german!
What do i wrong?

And is it possible that a user will receive it's email notification in that language which he use (a french will receive the email notification in french, a german user in german etc....)????

I am grateful for help in advance!
Thank you so much

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 1 Feb 2005 10:44
This is really strange with the templates. I'm sure it's impossible :) miniBB takes email templates exactly from /templates folder (and which another place from?.. no place!) Check templates again and be sure they are in German.

As for
is it possible that a user will receive it's email notification in that language which he use

- no. But actually, it's a good idea to think in the next release.

Author WernerHofer
#3 · Posted: 1 Feb 2005 12:12
thank for your answer. Good to hear that it is impossible :)
I checked these 4 Files ( email_admin_userregister, email_reply_notify, email_user_password, email_user_register) on the Webserver itself and all are written in german, but the email notification is still in english......
Is there an variable where i have to set in dependency of the email notification? Or is this a bug which is fixed in the latest version 2.0 ? Actually i use version 1.7
For me is is very important, because i make a internet portal for adventures. In the future it will have several languages, but i will begin with german as main language. And for that, the email notification should be, of course, in german.

Thank you very much for your help once again
Werner Hofer

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 1 Feb 2005 12:29
We have NEVER has bug with email templates, nor in 1.7 nor in 2.0 and there is NO ANOTHER PLACE to take email notification text from (nothing . I am sure you have messing something up, looking, for example, in the URL which actually goes to another script, not that you are looking into. I don't believe in miracles :)

Actually, could you give me an example?

Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 1 Feb 2005 21:45
i also do not believe in micales :) .......
But first thanks again for your help. I am really grateful.
All what i have changed are additional componentes in the file bb_default_style.css for an changed outlook. I also changed the bb_specials.php ( $regUsrForums=array(2,3); $lastOut=array(1,2,3); )
Tha's it.....
Yoy can see the actual example under:
What do you think is the best do do? Download your software again, configure it and put it on the webserver? Or can i only overwrite files, whitch are depent on the email notification? If yes which ones are these files? Or do you have an other idea?

Thanks really a lot
Werner Hofer

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#6 · Posted: 2 Feb 2005 04:19
WernerHofer wrote: I checked these 4 Files ( email_admin_userregister, email_reply_notify, email_user_password, email_user_register) on the Webserver itself and all are written in german, but the email notification is still in english......

G'day, Werner.
Just upload the German language email templates (yes, I mean all those .txt files) to the correct directory: /bb/templates/ not /bb/lang/de/
All the best,

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 2 Feb 2005 10:25
Ah, you are right :-)


It's in English. Put/overwrite in /templates/ really ;-)

Author WernerHofer
#8 · Posted: 2 Feb 2005 21:55
BIG THANKS TO YOU. Wau, it is functioning...i can not believe it! SUPER!!!
Thank you also for your patience and for your comprehension. I felt me like a patient in an hospital.....
There are some very strange things in this context. I really overwrote this 4 files into the folder /templates and put these to the webserver. I use the dreamwever as HTML editor and so i can switch to the remote site. I did this and opened these files .......and the content was is german like i assumed. So i WAS SHURE, that i did the right things. In your last email you wrote the absolute URL of one of these files ( ).
I ckecked this immediately english!!! Really, in this moment i felt me not like a patient, worse, i felt me like a a patient on a intensive care.Really i understood nothing anymore from this point on.
Well, then i deleted all 4 files on the webserver and put these on the webserver again...and it was functioning. I also checked important things like the browser cache, the existence of a proxy server beetwen and so on. I could not see any reason for that mircale. I said to you in one of the latest emails, that i not believe in miracles.....but NOW I DO.

I would like to say thank you ver much. Your help and your forum software are really great.
Werner Hofer

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#9 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 13:43
Ah, glad to hear everything is working for you now, Werner.
All the best,

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 Setting up Email notification templates in the Language other than English
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