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About setting the values the seconds

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#1 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 09:42
Did you think to change the limiting of the user's post editing to some other unit than seconds? The seconds make a huge number when you want 1 week or 1 month for example, and you have always to count...

Now I want to limit the editing to 1 week. 604800. 1 month - 2592000.

))): ???

What about hours? Or it's complicated? Or will add something burdening in the code like "get {something} and divide it to 3600"? Or it's some kind of standard?

I don't know, only thoughts.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 10:36
No problem to implement that (actually, good suggestion exactly for that option). We only need to conclude, what unit of time exactly. I would offer 1 day (24 hours).

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#3 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 11:03
Variant 1. Two variables:

$usereditunits= //1=hours; 2=days;
$useredit= //positive nimbers=time; 0=unlimited; -1=disabled;

Variant 2. Days or hours.

//positive nimbers=time; 0=unlimited; -1=disabled;

If hours, it's possible to actually disable the user editing, but leaving him the possibility to correct something in the moment (1 hour or two, or three). More flexible. One month is 672 hours...

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 11:20
1. Too much options for not important setting. 2. If in days, it could be set also like 1/24 (for one hour). But actually, hours also are good.

Don't know what to choose ;)

Author zorglub
#5 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 11:43
'traditionnaly' in PHP we use seconds nope ?! =)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#6 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 11:44
Me too :) I don't want to object you, really :) I see it in hours because we usually speak in hours - "Do it in 24 hours", "I need this in the next 2 hours", "He succeeded to come back in 48 hours", the antibiotics are in hours - "2 by every 6 hours". Actually, "day" is more artistic, more literary, the hour is what we measure the things with. The clock is basically in hours.

Did you noticed that if someone tells you "24 hours", you understand him absolutely. If you are said "1 day", you always wonder: what does he mean exactly - until this evening?, tomorrow morning?, tomorrow at noon...

If you put days, you'll need, too, to explain in two pages in the manual what does it mean 17/24 and why one can limit the editing to 17/24 :)))

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 11:52
Yes, but this setting as Ivan described, may cause problems. I agree, it's better to set it in hours...

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#8 · Posted: 3 Feb 2005 12:02
I really think that hours is good.

The above with my two settings (hours and days together) was not too smart and is absolutely unnecessary if we have hours :)

Author Anonymous
#9 · Posted: 5 Feb 2005 20:47
I like it in seconds as my edit settingis lmiited to less than an hour. How would you propose to set for example, 15 minutes with an hourly setting?

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#10 · Posted: 5 Feb 2005 20:58
As this is a very rare case - 1/4. However, this doesn't sound ordinery - 15 minutes. Give the users at least one hour. Not all of them think quickly. And, as I see, your problem are not the seconds, but the minutes...

Anyway, we already have discussed that subject widely. The conversation is all here.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#11 · Posted: 7 Feb 2005 00:13
Yes, I have written the above message... but now I read the manual for some other things and looking over it I see that all other settings are in seconds (excepting $defDays).

Huh... may be than it's better to remain in seconds. Yes, the number is big but the others are also big. Otherwise it will become a real rainbow of measures and units - seconds, hours, days... :) The unification is better.

Team has the final word :)

Author Anonymous
#12 · Posted: 7 Feb 2005 06:47
You're right.. minutes would get my vote. And do you really think it's a rare case to have a 15 minute limit? To me it is quite normal..

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#13 · Posted: 7 Feb 2005 09:24
Yes, I think it's exotic :) Why 17? Why not 20? Or 22? See, of course, you can set up what you want, but 15 minutes simply is not enough to check something...

An example (I like to imagine the things before deciding them): I write a message - "Team, I want... something". But after that I see in the manual a detail that I haven't seen before. Than I check some posts, or a book, or something else. And I change my mind. But in that moment my coffee is ready and will flood the kitchen. I go in the kithchen to stop the cooker. And when I come back... my 15 minutes are gone :)

That's why I said that 15 minutes are not enough even for a very smart guy - like all the guys here :)

Author Team
#14 · Posted: 7 Feb 2005 10:35
Yes, I also thought about unification. At last, if you need to set expiration time for 3 months, you need to make seconds calculation once a life. It does not matter how big this value is, because at the very end script will re-calculate it in seconds again. So maybe it's really better to keep things like they are now.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#15 · Posted: 7 Feb 2005 10:56
Team, we only shared here some thoughts. Seconds is good, as a final point of view :)

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 About setting the values the seconds
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