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miniBB 2.0 RC2a released

Author Team
#1 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 11:24
This is a small sub-release containing a couple of bug issues:

* In admin area, only "gif", "jpg", "jpeg" icons are listed now
* Fixed $dbScheme orientation when editing profile
* more oriented $forum check when topic was moved to restricted forum
* displaying form for non-logged users in registered-users-only forum
* MYISAM tables type for new users


Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#2 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 11:33

Could you kindly tell me ALL changed files since RC2 but ONLY them?

Thanks in advance.

Author Fritzek
#3 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 11:48
have a look to !UPDATE.txt (at the bottom).

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#4 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 12:31
Thank you, Fritzek :)

I sometimes wonder myself to and from myself for my stupid questions :)

The matter is that I always update with the full new release (some kind of purist) and wanted now to do the same, but my previous download is not from the first day. However, I remembered to search the new files from 24.02 (the change of the manual) and found 9 of them :)

So... I changed them. Thanks once more and greetings :)

Author Fritzek
#5 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 12:58
welcome back at the question about the best way to update ;)
in the meantime of our last turn to discuss I keep all customized code twice: in the files and in my own repository with name of file, place in file and depneding issues. for a major release I start from scratch to implement my changes. for a minor release I make a diff of the in !UPDATE.txt mentioned files and decide case by case which way to go. this saved me a lot time starting at 2.0 initial up to 2.0RC2a. the last was done within 10 mins.

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 13:12
Actually, we had idea (and no time, as usual :( ) to create some kind of automated update script. For example, you visit our "Update" section, from dropdown box, choose your current version, and then the script automatically generates the list of all modified, updated, overwritten files you need to update, depending exactly on you version (for example, we find it difficult now, to upgrade from 2.0 RC1a to 2.0 RC2a). But at last... it's open source, and we are documenting each issue we have implemented, so... it will stay like it is currently.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#7 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 13:47
I do like Fritzek in general, but sometimes with the minor updates, too (if meanwhile we have talked about some change that is not too small). Good thing is this - the backup :)

Anyway, I have now the registration form inside the forums/topics, too. Thanks.

Author Fritzek
#8 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 14:23
might be we should think about a totally new approach to incorporate customizations. as I know from other systems they have divided the core functionality from the custom code. as you have used a kind of M(odel)V(iew)C(ontroller) approach we should be able to encapsulate custom functions without touching the core code, so an update of the core should not touch the custom one or only in minor regions like templates.
if we can't find a technical solution might be we can suggest an organisational approach to work with core and custom functions. this will only work if the site owner will take the responsibility to document his changes. this will cost time and effort, but will pay off when using the software over generations.
I'm not sure what is the best way but I wil lthink about and come back ;-)

Author Team
#9 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 15:05
I know from other systems they have divided the core functionality from the custom code

That's we are trying to keep in miniBB already. But when we speak about the "custom" code in miniBB, we mean options, templates, CSS, "special" settings, identification routine - but NOT the main PHP code as itself. If someone touches this code, he is loosing possibility to upgrade automatically, just overwriting main stuff. As about hard documentation - when changing something, we just MENTION KEYWORD by which you could find this change, not the algorithms... usually, if we make changes, it is really hard to describe what exactly was done - and this will take too much time... By this reason, too, we don't like too complicated CVS solutions... miniBB must be kept simple in any case.

Author Fritzek
#10 · Posted: 3 Mar 2005 15:17
my words, but as you mentioned - hard to describe ;)
what I ment was: the places where files located that I can change in existing minibb is mixed - css here, template there and options ... we should find a customization stage area to put all your own stuff beside the core and minibb looks for something there, if there use it, if not , take default ...
I'm not really sure how to explain. gimme some time to think about :)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#11 · Posted: 4 Mar 2005 01:17
Actually, now the things are structured very well. All (or almost) I really need is in the options. For the additional stuff there always could be plugins (much adored system by me in principle).

(Many great programs are based on plugins with a very stable core as a basis - Photoshop, QuarkXPress and... many. They simply are core + plugins, even when you analyze the main distribution. This construction is just the thing that makes them strong.)

Of course, if a realy needed function does not exist, we can always discuss it and to be added.

I think that to recompose the main concept might be dangerous.

May be the impression comes from my passion to the clean installations... Everybody, in fact, likes the clean installations, but sometimes you don't have the needed 1/2 hour of patience :)

Not a big problem, I think :)

Author Anonymous
#12 · Posted: 4 Mar 2005 03:11
I used last midfied file to know all change files 'n this work.

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 miniBB 2.0 RC2a released
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