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Is there a way to have two, or more multiple admins, and grant regular user admin rights?

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Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#16 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 12:44
Thanks :) A matter of thinking, I suppose ;)

Author Anonymous
#17 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 15:06
I think you should be able to have as many admins as you like. Giving random strangers an admin account is bad, but if you're a company then giving all your support staff admin accounts is perfectly acceptable. I think it should be up to the user wether to make other people admins, it's not like mods would be removed.

Author Team
#18 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 15:27
If your own a company, just give admin's account data to the people you trust. If it ABSOLUTELY not necessary to create different logins here, because we are not having privileges systems designed specially for admins.

Author Fritzek
#19 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 15:52
I agree with team, admin is more like a role not a person. If you think like this you have as many admins as you need ;)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#20 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 17:04
Dear Anonymous,

If you are so democratic, you can simply inform about the details of your admin account as many people as you trust. You can also give these people access to your bank account. This will be valid till the moment in which you'll be locked out by these same many people you trust ;)

Author Gordon Werner
#21 · Posted: 10 Mar 2005 22:22
thanks folks ... I already went ahead and made the other admin people moderators (and gave them the custom title admin) ...

Author dazed_tech
#22 · Posted: 16 Jun 2005 16:00
Is the admin the only one who can create forums?

Is there a way to allow all users to create forums?

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#23 · Posted: 16 Jun 2005 16:14
I don't think so, Sir. The forums are created through Admin's control panel. For the moment. The contemporary world has proved that all is going well when it has one main boss. The anarchy is not a good thing.

But the users may create in the forums as many topics as they want (if you set them up such right in the options). Isn't that more than enough? :)

Author dazed_tech
#24 · Posted: 16 Jun 2005 16:50
Yes, one boss is probably a good thing. Just sat down with the boss and we came up with the Main Forums. Thanks for the help. They probably don't need to be creating their own forums. The ladies in the office would starts ones i dare not mention ;-)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#25 · Posted: 16 Jun 2005 17:12
Yes :) How will you control a user that you have never seen, but he has his own forum in your forum. Impossible. Noone allows sich thing in his house :)

But OK, you are liberal. Than you can simply make 4-5 basic forums for various areas and tell: "Here they are, create your own topics and discuss whatever you want."

There is also posiibility the user to close the topic he has created. You'll have also options the user to delete the topics and/or the messages he has created... All this makes the said user like a mini-admin of his topics. (If you allow him to be.)

Anything more is... hm... no good ;)

Author Team
#26 · Posted: 17 Jun 2005 17:37
Is there a way to allow all users to create forums?
Yes, there is a way, when you give your admin login/password to them.

Author ben
#27 · Posted: 26 May 2006 19:53
the only downside to this is that you have to login/logout to jump between your main account and the admin account.

I do agree with the concept of only an admin being a role, not a user.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#28 · Posted: 27 May 2006 15:58
the only downside to this is that you have to login/logout to jump between your main account and the admin account

I agree to this... administering miniBB however, I have all moderator privileges on board's content, and it covers 90% of admin needs. I'm using other super-admin options very rarely, so I personally don't see any reason to have more than one super admin in "ego" board ;-)

Author tobykwAn
#29 · Posted: 12 Jul 2006 19:53
12 Jul 2006 20:32 - Attached on mergeing:
How to "upgrade" a normal user to admin.

How do I do that?
Eg. make user number 2 and 3 admins - that is, give them the admin rights.

Author tom322
Active Member
#30 · Posted: 12 Jul 2006 20:16
I think only there may be one admin only. You can create moderators though.

Read above.

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 Is there a way to have two, or more multiple admins, and grant regular user admin rights?
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