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"Who's Online" plug-in released

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Author zorglub
#46 · Posted: 21 Mar 2005 16:20
I was talking about Vader proposal : to put 'last visitors online' in the core of the forum (with an option) and instead of using a file, to enter the last visit time in the database...

Author Team
#47 · Posted: 21 Mar 2005 16:30
We will not include this as an option. Users who has troubles with NAT and know what it is and why, could easily do this themselves. We don't think this plug-in is so important to include it in the main package, thus many users don't know what CHMOD is, thus is will not work on Windows - we are too busy to answer tons of questions why it is not working in the default package ;-)

Author zorglub
#48 · Posted: 21 Mar 2005 22:54
yup, of course... I meant that this was a great idea everybody really cares of, and it would be a great improvement for your forum =)

Author Team
#49 · Posted: 22 Mar 2005 12:14
I doubt about everybody, we ourselves have this plugin on our main forums just because we want to test it. However, we already have some thoughts in ming how to implement it and make it even more faster and reliable.

Author zorglub
#50 · Posted: 22 Mar 2005 19:49
ok, I will try some tests as well (as soon as I have some free time), if I find a reliable code I will tell you !

PS : Last time I had a reset of the counter, I had this error message :
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxx/whosonline.php on line 60
if it helps...

Author Team
#51 · Posted: 23 Mar 2005 11:27
This error gives only an understanding that you have some corrupted or specific file system. Locking functions in PHP work well not always; however, we have one idea that would help to prevent such cases as reading while writing etc. Unfortunatelly, we can not repeat this error on our server, because, as you see, for more than 1 month this plugin works well...

Author cakeman
#52 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:37
I had the same problem than zorglub, my file was reseted one time. Yesterday the number max users connected was 18. Today, it is 11.

No error message ...

Author Team
#53 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:52
I see that we need to fix writing procedure... somewhere I read that it is buggy in PHP. Now I see it's true - but how DIFFICULT is to catch the reason though :(

Author cakeman
#54 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 18:45
I believe it :/

Author zorglub
#55 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 19:53
It mostly happens when server is overloaded. I think the file is deleted before being rewritten and the script is not executed fully.

I don't find any other answer... It resets almost once a day on my website.

Author Team
#56 · Posted: 4 Apr 2005 11:59
Each time file is overwritten, it is being LOCKED with special PHP function... but once I have read that locking functions are not working correctly on some filesystems, so it is more safe to delete/create file else overwrite it. That's what I am trying to achieve in the next version of the plugin...

Author zorglub
#57 · Posted: 4 Apr 2005 16:11
All right ! I dunno anough those technical things... Thanks for your answer ;)

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 "Who's Online" plug-in released
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