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Number of topics and posts under Author name

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Author Moony
#1 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 16:56
Could anybody explain how to show number of topics and posts under Author's name, so that anyone could see how active is the user wirhout going to his profile?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 16:59
It is still unavailable.

We are planning to make this in the next release.

Author Moony
#3 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:01
Thanks for a REALLY fast reply!!!!!!!!!

Could you disclose when we can expect the new release?

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:12
Could you disclose when we can expect the new release?
As soon I have free time... until now, I haven't :-(

Author Moony
#5 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:17
Maybe I can do this manually by inserting something into $userRanks=array(1=>'') in the BB_SPECIALS.php ?

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:21
No :-D

You can't do this manually with easy way.

Why we have no this feature (and haven't planned it from the very beginning) - because with usual COUNT() mySQL statement it will SLOW DOWN your board critically. We need to create 2 special fields in user's profile, for example, posts_amount and topics_amount, and update this data when user posts a message, or message is deleted... Then we could get this data by simple/fast SELECT command - and then you will be able to use built-in miniBB functions for getting user info in posts.

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:22
In true, I don't know why do you need this feature at all. Just because another boards have? miniBB is not just another bb.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#8 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:31
I think that in the profile is enough. (May be additionally as an option only...) One could have 500 stupid posts, or only 5, but very smart :)

Author Moony
#9 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:37
I think that in the profile is enough. (May be as an option only...) One could have 500 stupid posts, or only 5, but very smart :)

In my view it is a good way to stimulate people to write. Not all of them are stupid.

Author Team
#10 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:39
It's absolutely wrong - if somebody has something to say, he will say it. 'Trolls' must die.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#11 · Posted: 1 Apr 2005 17:57
There are two things, by my humble opinion.

Team said the first one: the others BB have this, let's we have it, too :) To say in addition, we DO have it, but not under the name...

The second thing. This is some information (what does it mean - "active" - actually?!), yes, but it could make wrong impression, too, under your name. An example: I myself participate in a forum, and I have about 400-500 posts there. Some others have 800 (half rubbish), or 350... But I have a real friend there and know him personally... he has about 100, but TRULY deep letters.

I have nothing more to add as an argument.

Author Fritzek
#12 · Posted: 2 Apr 2005 00:47
same from my side. unnecessary. says nothing about quality. if you need hype for your forum try other ways. but be careful not to feed the trolls. I got them last week over easter and they flooded my site with a bunch of sh*t. its easier to clean a toi* than the trolls belongings ;-)

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#13 · Posted: 2 Apr 2005 03:24
Team wrote: [Number of topics and posts displayed under author's name] is still unavailable. We are planning to make this in the next release.

Team, will this be an option that can be disabled? I do hope it is just an option (and not a fixture) because, for the same reasons given by Ivan and Fritzek, I do not think displaying the post count under each poster's name is necessary.

In my view, post count does not reflect quality; fifty pointless posts do not make one good post. Also, one disadvantage of having the post count showing under the poster's name I can see is that it may encourage immature posters to post anything and everything only for the sake of increasing their post count, which results in the forum being filled with fluff and no substance, which cannot be a good thing.

Please keep miniBB light and small!

Best wishes -

Author lime
#14 · Posted: 2 Apr 2005 03:30
I agree with marsbar, Ivan, and Fritzek. I do not want to encourage spam posts, even thought it may make the forum seem livelier.

Author Heri
#15 · Posted: 4 Apr 2005 01:00
I'd recommend you keep miniBB's "unneeded" features to a minimum. Light, simple, small.

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