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removing "Return to the forums list" link after registration

Author Yash
#1 · Posted: 19 Apr 2005 18:52
Ignore the last message!

After successful user registration, this is displayed:

Thank you very much for registration!
Now you can go to the first page and login.
Return to the forums list

How can I remove the "Return to the forums list" link?


Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#2 · Posted: 19 Apr 2005 21:04
Yash, it's widely known what miniBB displays after successful registration.

Excuse me for the insolent question, but what do you picture you do with these boilers of Gertrude and Olga, and with these tortures on the absolutely innocent miniBB in general?

Author Yash
#3 · Posted: 19 Apr 2005 21:19

Ivan, miniBB is far from innocent - after hours of tweeking she is more like a brute on the mindset of unwitting individuals. I'm currently trying to get her to lose some fat!

However, once these issues are sorted, Gert and Olg will reap the reward and alas have a fully operational heating/water system.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#4 · Posted: 19 Apr 2005 22:00
You don't get my point, which is that:
- This is one of the easiest BBs on the net;
- Its setup is a matter of minutes;
- It contains only the most needed for a BB, the other things are plugins;
- For tweaking it more or less you must have either secondary school finished or/and at least 2 grams of programming knowledge;
- It has nothing in common with the circumstances around the regular (or not) washing of Olga.

All you ask exists in the manual.

I suspect that you rather need some flat-file blog... Or one simple chat...

Author Yash
#5 · Posted: 19 Apr 2005 22:29

Maybe i'm missing something. My initial question was how to remove a link after successful registration:

How can I remove the "Return to the forums list" link?

Nowhere in the manual can i find how to remove this link.

True the initial set up doesn't take long but customisation does, which is where I'm struggling. I'm actually educated to degree level but not in PHP / mysql programming.

Perhaps you are right though I just don't know whether mBB is right for what I'm trying to achieve which is a simple master/detail relationship, where there is only one single forum topic. At best the user proficincy isn't high so I'm trying to make it as simple as possible.

Author realitybytes
#6 · Posted: 20 Apr 2005 01:43

<a hre f="{$indexphp}">{$l_returntoforums}</a>

where $l_returntoforums, is in the language file defined.

Author Yash
#7 · Posted: 20 Apr 2005 10:16

Thanks, this is just what I was looking for.

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 removing "Return to the forums list" link after registration
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