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Avatars plug-in released!

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Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#16 · Posted: 13 May 2005 13:31
I told you - replace only the program files ENTIRELY in the main forum directory and update the database, and DON'T TOUCH the templates, the img subdirectory, and the lang subdirectory.

Preserve only:


Later only correct the language file and replace the 2 admin templates with these of 22.04.


Then install additionally whatever you like.

Of course, make a backup of the DB before all this :)

Author zorglub
#17 · Posted: 13 May 2005 15:18
Allll right !
It's working.
I don't know exactly how and why... And this is the magical part. And magical things are important because they make people dream.
And this is nice =)

Thank you for your patience ;) huhuhu !

A beer if you come by Paris !

Author Team
#18 · Posted: 13 May 2005 16:18
There must be also {$userInfo_user_custom1[$poster_id]} in a template main_posts_cell.html - for DISPLAYING of what you have in database. Probably it was not inserted.

Author Lavo
#19 · Posted: 14 May 2005 21:38
I can't get the avatars to display in the post - the line {$userInfo_user_custom1[$poster_id]} is in in place in main_posts_cell, and everything other should be in place too. The avatar is uploaded, sql tables are ok, and the picture displays in preferences - no problem there. I kept default settings everywhere. Any idea? (yes, i have RC3 version, and i followed the readme steb by step)

Author Team
#20 · Posted: 16 May 2005 10:56
Be sure you have enabled $userInfoInPosts setting in setup_options.php

Author crystalclear
#21 · Posted: 4 Jun 2005 19:36
I'm not seeing any avatar's either.

I've create shared_files and shared_folder, as there seems to be confusion about what the name should be, and I created a subdirectory of each called AVATARS and copy pasted on of the suppied avatars into each of those direcories. Still nothing.

Switching languages doesn't help either.

I seem to get little placeholders for the avatars that look like blue m's.

Author Team
#22 · Posted: 4 Jun 2005 21:52
I've create shared_files and shared_folder, as there seems to be confusion about what the name should be - shared folder is some folder. 'shared_files' is the name of your shared folder. What is wrong there? :-)

From the instruction:

If you are going to use ready avatars CHOSEN by users, inside 'img' folder (do you see this root folder in forums folder?) create folder 'forum_avatars' and put any graphical images here. Examples included, create your own! The images list will be generated automatically.

So, you must have prepared avatars pictures in /img/forum_avatars/

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 Avatars plug-in released!
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