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Author Ivan
#1 · Posted: 30 Dec 2004 10:41
I'm a big fan of the new and clear installations.

May I upgrade to 2.0 tis way?

1. I make a backup of the database.
2. I update the database with !UPDATE_DB.sql
3. I copy convdb.php to the 1.7f installation and recalculate the database, starting the file.

Until here I have the database updated.

4. I edit the NEW file setup_options.php - username, pass etc. PLUS: I rename the tables in the file with their actual names from 1.7f.
5. I edit the NEW file bb_specials.php with the respective preferences.
6. I delete ALL the directory of the OLD forum.
7. I rename the directory of the NEW forum (with the new installation in it) on my machine with the same name.
8. I copy the new directory on the place of the previous one.

9. I run the new old forum 2.0 :)

Do I omit something?

Thanks in advance for the help :)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#2 · Posted: 1 Jan 2005 18:35
It's not only possible, it's not only right, it's not only clean and good, but I did it and I recommend it to everyone who likes the clean installations!

(Of course, it's good only if you haven't done much work on your templates.)

Below is the final description of the procedure:

1. Make a backup of the database of your current version of miniBB.

2. Unzip the new version of miniBB in a new folder on your machine.

3. Edit the NEW file setup_options.php - usernames, passwords etc. PLUS: Rename the tables in the file with their actual names in the current database.

4. Edit the NEW file bb_specials.php with the respective preferences.

5. Delete the entire directory of the OLD forum on the server.

6. Rename the directory of the NEW forum (with the new installation in it) on your machine with the same name.

7. Copy the new directory on the server, on the place of the old one.

8. DELETE both files _install.php and _install_mysql.sql (if you didn't before copying the new directory on the server).

9. Update the database with the file !UPDATE_DB.sql

10. Recalculate the database, running the file convdb.php.

11. Run the new old forum with miniBB :)

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 10:47
That's good step-by-step solution :) Thanks.

Author Fritzek
#4 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 14:37
I did it the same way with perfect result and IMO it's faster then the suggested way. But only feasable if you've not to much customized on top of the standard stuff. Might be "Team" can offer both ways in !UPGARDE.txt with regards to the main differences.

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 14:45
Actually, it's a specific solution. We disagree with points from 3 to 7, because there is no need to create temporary directory for this stuff, and specially there is no need to fill in settings files again. But this might be helpful for users who just begin to understand what backup is and why it is necessary to save the data before the job is done.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#6 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 16:22
Of course, everybody has different manner of work. Apart from my love to the clean installations, just points from 2 to 7 are what interests me (and also to zip/rar the newly prepared installation together with its directory, and to put the archive in some safe place before the upload or anything - I omitted this). Everybody knows the other things. Why points 2 to 7?

1. To update the old file setup_options.php, adding the new options, setting them, and actually composing a new file (with all possible errors), is bigger work than to get the new file and to set up a few names, passwords, "yes" and "no".
2. The same is with the file bb_specials.php.
3. After point 4 you have PERFECT backup of your new forum with less work. Otherwise, it may happen to make correction after correction later and finally to receive a fully disfunctional BB, and THEN to be forced to start from the very beginning, HAVING NOTHING AT HAND! That's very unpleasant situation.

Let's picture. I began for example with miniBB 1.3 and updated further to 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and am now with 1.7f (after passed also trough 1.7a,b,c,d and e). And I did all the updates like that - some files, some templates, some lines of code, some errors, some corrections, some this, some that - and I have now one mess of versions and files, called "forum" and working with some magic. (Do not forget that some people even ask what does the word "server" mean.) And now, after I already have the described "forum", I make the mess even bigger, putting in it PARTS of NEW VERSION.

No, thanks. I like your software and want it clean.

What if only one HDD (the same - with the forum) on the server crashes? From the very beginning.
What if the admin/owner deletes by chance 2 or 3 files on the server and between them setup_options.php? From the very beginning.
What if electricity pick appears in the server? From the very beginning.
What if your moderator have done all the things wrong last week (beeing in love, for example)? From the very beginning.

And where will be your options then? Nowhere.

I like my security more than 1-2 hours of my work on options and templates.

Yes, the sweetest point is 11. That's why I propose the other 10 above it.

Of course, all that is a matter of taste.

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 16:46
That's what I call the "clear and best proof" :)

I agree.

We'll put a link in !UPDATE file to this thread in the next version.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#8 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 17:49

I really like your software and its logic, and am happy to help :)

Season's greetings from Sofia and healthy 2005 :)

Author daddyjoel
#9 · Posted: 27 Feb 2005 03:38
I know I'm an idiot, but how do I run !update_db.sql from the command line? I can't open the mysql command line client in mysql administrator!

Author Team
#10 · Posted: 28 Feb 2005 10:22
It's not necessary to update it from command line... just open this file in ASCII editor, copy contents and paste it to the necessary SQL-command form in your mySQL editor...

Author daddyjoel
#11 · Posted: 2 Mar 2005 04:37
ok, I got that. thank you.
but now I can't log in as admin, but I can post under my admin username.

Author daddyjoel
#12 · Posted: 2 Mar 2005 05:02
and all is well. the one thing I didn't change got me!

Author Anonymous
#13 · Posted: 17 May 2005 19:12
i didn't login, but i can post? is it the way it is or bug???

Author Team
#14 · Posted: 18 May 2005 15:11
didn't login, but i can post
Our board is opened for everyone. But you may disable it in your forum software version.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#15 · Posted: 9 Jun 2005 10:31
Please excuse my ignorance (and help me so I may be cognizant):

1/ Before commencing the upgrade, I will need to disable the existing forum, correct? If so, what is the simplest way to inform users that the forum is temporarily closed (put up an alternative index.php)?

2/ During the upgrade, I will be uploading new version files (including index.php) to the existing forums directory, then running the database converter... etc. During that time what happens when someone tries to access the forum? And will attempts to access the forum affect the upgrade in any way?

Thanks in anticipation,

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