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MiniBB Board/Guest Panel Block Module

Author MX1
#1 · Posted: 26 Jun 2005 21:22
So basically there is this function in Invision Power Board where you can put something on your main website where it shows avatar, username, etc information.

I want to put a module on my main index that shows the persons username, and other miscellaneous information.

I tried several methods, like connecting to mySQL and getting the information from the table, but it's just not working.

I'd appreciate it if any of you have coded one of these before to let me work around it. I'll leave your (C) intact.

Author Anonymous
#2 · Posted: 27 Jun 2005 07:50

ok, so I put the forums in my root

now, I searched the forums but found a code that's for /forum/

so, can someone please write the code, or tell me what to enter in my index.php that will show the login form, then after they sign in and go back to main index it will say You're logged in as $username like how it is on the forum...

-Thanks, MX

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 2 Jul 2005 23:36
I think, it's custom work, and nobody will do a custom work for free.

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 MiniBB Board/Guest Panel Block Module
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