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Author Fritzek
#16 · Posted: 30 Mar 2005 23:54
you mean including in the same base page? like:

but should not have any effects, because the templates are based on seperate tables. so you can put as many 1stpagenews as you want on the same page.
Or I'm wrong, but than I don't understand your problem. because the script is working sequencially and read the posts for inlcuded forum id.
could you post a snippet of your pages to see whats wrong.

Author Team
#17 · Posted: 31 Mar 2005 10:46
Ed Lewis
It's probably because you don't see any error, but functions inside are DUPLICATED. First of all you need to use not INCLUDE, but REQUIRE_ONCE.

Author Ed
#18 · Posted: 31 Mar 2005 12:44
Team, Fritzek, thanks for your messages

I've made the require_once change to my main page

So now I basically have


The first one works, the second one produces nothing (no html of any kind)

I tried the javascript route also, but this doesn't produce any output.

I know what I'm attempting is more than was intended for this first page news script, but it would be fantastic if I adapt it to fit this role.

Author Team
#19 · Posted: 31 Mar 2005 12:50
No - you need to replace include by require_once in '1stpagenews_2.php'.

Author Ed
#20 · Posted: 31 Mar 2005 15:10
It works!! Thank you!

Sorry about my confusion on that last point


Author Buzzard
#21 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 19:09
I have installed 1stpagehack.
How can I achieve this:

Instead of latest Topic, show the latest Reaction?


Author Team
#22 · Posted: 14 Jul 2005 19:46

$sort='topic_last_post_id DESC';

$maxTxtLength=500; //or whatever number of symbols you want to display

Use {$post_text} in templates/hack_1stpagenews_cell2.html for displaying the text

Author Buzzard
#23 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 10:49
Thanks Team,

I still work with the first version of 1stpagenews. That that line doesn't seem to appear in the file. Is it possible you can help me with this version?

(I have tried to install 1stpagenews_hack2 but I get this error:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getclforums() in /home/www/board/hack_1stpagenews2.php on line 41")


Author Team
#24 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 11:02
In first version, you need to change mysql request itself:

mysql_query("select topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster_name, topic_time, topic_views, forum_id from $Tt where $where order by topic_time DESC limit $limit");

to something like (I've not tested it):

mysql_query("select $Tt.topic_id, topic_title, topic_poster_name, topic_time, topic_views, forum_id from $Tt where $where order by topic_last_post_id DESC limit $limit");

Author Buzzard
#25 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 11:11
Thanks Team, for the quick response!

It works, now I see the last topic on which is replied. But: I don't see the reply itself. Is this also possible?


Author Team
#26 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 11:33
{$post_text} variable in templates\hack_1stpagenews_cell.html containts reply text.

Author Julian
#27 · Posted: 16 Aug 2005 07:56
Hey everyone... I'm new here. First of all, thanks for great, easy to use software! MiniBB itself worked like a charm.

I'm having some trouble with the 1st page hack plug-in. The first time I installed it, it worked perfectly. The second time, however, I keep on getting this error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare makelim() (previously declared in C:Program FilesApache GroupApache2writerscirclesetup_mysql.php:8) in C:Program FilesApache GroupApache2writerscirclesetup_mysql.php on line 15

Now this usually means I must have included setup_mysql twice, so I tried commenting out "include setup_mysql" in hack_1stpagenews2.php. That didn't work (all the functions needed can't be called on any more), so I should have only included it once...

I'm not quite sure what's going on here, any help would be tremendously appreciated!

Author Julian
#28 · Posted: 16 Aug 2005 08:03
Problem fixed

Hey all, I've fixed the problem by commenting out the lines

//include ($pathToFiles.'setup_'.$DB.'.php');
//include ($pathToFiles.'bb_functions.php');

in index.php. Since they were included in hack_1stpagenews2.php, there's no need to include them again.

Author Julian
#29 · Posted: 16 Aug 2005 08:09
Problem not fixed

Okay that was no fix. Now none of the old forums show...

Author Team
#30 · Posted: 16 Aug 2005 09:57
No, you can't comment these lines in index.php - else your forums will not work, of course. Anyway, there is an option $excludeIncludes=FALSE; which you could set in the addon; if it doesn't help, just try to figure out, where your makeLim() function is already included. Also be sure you have set all paths correctly.

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