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Locked and sticky topic on top of recent discussions and other forum areas

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 19 Aug 2005 05:44
Hello, I really appreciate your job. You Rock Guys !
But can you help me with this problem. I'd like to keep locked and sticky items on top of the latest discussion and also on top of the forum where it's been added to.

Thank you so much for your help.


Author Team
#2 · Posted: 19 Aug 2005 09:58
Sticky items on top of the latest discussions? That's really not necessary, trust me. Latest discussions ARE LATEST. Not in anyway related to sticky posts.

As about locked discussions on top... why do you need this?

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 19 Aug 2005 18:53
Hello, thanks for your answer. But I need to have a topic STICKY AND LOCKED at the same time, because I must sometime make an important announcement for my visitors. And I'd like to have those topics stay on top for awhile sothat new visitors can still read them. Is it possible?

Thank you

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 19 Aug 2005 18:58
We have a premium add-on called "Super-Sticky Topics". With it you may achieve to create a special topic, which will always appear on top in Recent discussions and on top of other topics anywhere. The add-on is not distributed for sale, but is sold for $15 if you would like to get it. Contact us privately for more information.

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 Locked and sticky topic on top of recent discussions and other forum areas
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