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Sites which remove miniBB copyright notice use the software ILLEGALLY and violate the License

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Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 15 Dec 2002 17:51Reply Quote

look at this:

I think this is a hosting service which uses Minibb without Copyright.



Author 4days
#2 · Posted: 16 Dec 2002 00:18Reply Quote
cheeky buggers.

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 16 Dec 2002 10:56Reply Quote
Ah, there are a lot sites without copyright :)
In true, we have tired of that - no time to check them all. 12 months ago, when you type minibb in Google, there was about 30 links found; now they are 5000. And, this board mentioned above, probably have partial rights to remove our copyright, 'cause they've made some modifications: members list, search etc. They already have their own "1.5.0" version, since our 1.5 is only on the way :) I guess, they have took our code as a base (it's GPL though) and have written their own product, which is not linked to ours anymore (guess, the updates we make are not possible for them). So, this is their deal - not so many reasons to go to court :)

But it is really bad, when someone simply takes our product and says: this is mine - sad, too...

Author PeKa
#4 · Posted: 17 Dec 2002 22:56Reply Quote
One day, we`ll just kick`em in the nuts :-D

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 6 Jun 2005 13:12Reply Quote
Today we've got the following email:

hi ppl,

I was yesterday surfing on a forum and I saw ur miniBB. The copyright was removed. When I asked the Admin why he/she removed the miniBB-copyright. He said that nobody knows that they using miniBB, so why he shouldn't. That really pissed me off! Coz u guys are working hard te develope a script for free, so it's not fear that some people using scripts without mentiong to the developers.

Anyway this is the link of the site, I hope that u just warn them!


Thanks, Mojo!

Everything I could say on that - we know that very many sites are removing our copyright notice, being sure that NOBODY knows what forum software script they are using. I've created this thread specially for such kind of sites. So, if you see some site using miniBB, but without copyright notice - please post a link in this thread to this site, so EVERYBODY knows what forum software they are using.

For us personally, it never was a big problem. Even copyright notice is obligated by our terms of use, we leave this question on everybody's personal conscience and intelligence. We never will contact owners of these sites and prove them they are wrong. Let the thieves leave in their own community.

Author Anonymous
#6 · Posted: 29 Jun 2005 13:10Reply Quote
This is security reason to remove the miniBB copyright notice. A while ago phpBB has security flaws and tons of web sites are hacked. People can easily spot which site is using minibb just by using Google. I think it's ok that the webmasters mention their site using miniBB, not necessarily on the forum page.
Just my 2 cents

Author Sergei
#7 · Posted: 29 Jun 2005 22:36Reply Quote
well on the other hand you can get always get a licence to remove the copyright ;)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#8 · Posted: 29 Jun 2005 23:15Reply Quote
I read this ask often and all the time cannot see what is the shame to tell which software you use.

As per the other thing - the hacking through the link - Team said once that will replace the text link with a picture. I even prepared one for my footer. Do you want it? It's simply the resized one from the header :)

Author Team
#9 · Posted: 2 Jul 2005 21:32Reply Quote
People can easily spot which site is using minibb just by using Google. - that's true, but don't you think we are leaving our bugs intact from version to version? We are fixing them time by time... Exploits depend actually on a version of the product. When you don't know the version, it's really difficult to hack something.

And once again - you must keep copyright notice intact. This is our the only one rule. If you don't like it - another forum software authors will be probably more happy than us, if you remove their copyright.

Author Anonymous
#10 · Posted: 23 Aug 2005 15:54Reply Quote
don't you think we are leaving our bugs intact from version to version?

Would be nice to send us e-mails about security issues. I got my site hacked with the includeFooter exploit.

Author Team
#11 · Posted: 23 Aug 2005 16:05Reply Quote

Second: Everybody who follows the news, must follow all security updates we post there.

Author Anonymous
#12 · Posted: 23 Aug 2005 16:13Reply Quote

Hey, be calm! I know it!

It was just a suggestion! =)

Author Team
#13 · Posted: 23 Aug 2005 16:17Reply Quote
I am calmer as ever :-) Really, it would be no problem to send emails about security issues, but we have no real possibility to do that. If somebody knows a good emailing program, we will be happy to know about that.

Author Anonymous
#14 · Posted: 11 Sep 2005 07:35Reply Quote
Try phplist -

Author Team
#15 · Posted: 11 Sep 2005 17:35Reply Quote
PHPList - install step 1... Take the archive file and unpack it in a temporary directory using "tar zxf phplist-x.y.z.tgz" - that's awful :( we have no command line interface to our server.

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 Sites which remove miniBB copyright notice use the software ILLEGALLY and violate the License
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