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Getting value from a plugin function, incl. those based on the miniBB's pre-defined variables

Author hugh
#1 · Posted: 24 Apr 2005 22:18
Say I had a simple function I wanted to use as a plugin eg,

function hello()
return 'Hello world!';

and I wanted to call it from a template with the variable {$hello} (or something).

How would I do that in MiniBB 1.7?


Author Team
#2 · Posted: 25 Apr 2005 11:50
function hello()
return 'Hello world!';

then insert {$hello} in a template.

Author hugh
#3 · Posted: 25 Apr 2005 13:15
Thanks, Team.

Author hugh
#4 · Posted: 4 May 2005 14:59
Hi Team

How can I pass to a function on the plugins page the final value of $anchor from bb_func_vthread?

Say I had this plugin function:

function hello($number_of_messages)
if ($number_of_messages >= 6) {
return 'Hello world!';
$hello = hello($anchor);

How do I get the $anchor value into it?

Thanks if you can help (miniBB 1.7).

Author hugh
#5 · Posted: 4 May 2005 20:43
OK, I've done it. I put $hello = hello($anchor); under $anchor++; in bb_func_vthread. Is that OK?

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 5 May 2005 10:48
If it works, it is ok :-)

Non-destructively you can use parseMessage() function of bb_plugins, and include calling of your own function there. Vthread script is calling this function each time it loads and parses the certain message. So $GLOBALS['anchor'] will most likely be available there.


function hello($num){
return $num*2;

function parseMessage(){

if($h>6) $GLOBALS['anchorMark']='Good';

then paste {$anchorMark} under main_posts_cell.html

Author Digibluez
#7 · Posted: 30 Aug 2005 17:46
I liked to make a new function,i could do what i want in javascript,but i dont like it.
So if will it do if i put the code in the bb_functions file or do i have to make a new _func file for this.I want ot call it from a template,like main_header.html.If its too hard ot do,tell i skip it.
It's a random quote displayer.
include_once"$root/inc/random.php"; //main script
$filename = "$root/db/quotes.db";//database
$lines = file($filename);
$numQuotes = count ($lines);
$ranNum = rand(1, $numQuotes);
$line = $lines[$ranNum-1];
$element = explode("::",$line);
$theQuote = $element[0];
$theRef = $element[1];
$theLink = $element[2];
$output = outputTable($theQuote, $theRef, $theLink);
echo $output;


<?php function outputLine($theQuote, $theRef, $theLink){?>
<?php echo $theQuote; ?> - <a href="<?php echo $theLink; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $theRef; ?></a>
<?php }?><?php function outputTable($theQuote, $theRef, $theLink){?>
<a href="<?php echo $theLink; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $theRef; ?></a><br/><?php echo $theQuote; ?></a>
<?php }?>

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 30 Aug 2005 17:55
Include this function in bb_plugins.php (as it is the main purpose of it), but do not echo $output - just store the value in $output and then put in main_header.html: {$output} in the desired place.

Master Class miniBB Support Forums / Master Class /
 Getting value from a plugin function, incl. those based on the miniBB's pre-defined variables
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