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how to change admin password

Author Toon
#1 · Posted: 25 Jun 2003 08:35
Can I change my own administrator password in miniBB and when yes HOW do I do that?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 25 Jun 2003 11:05
Changing Admin's password:

1) Edit forum/setup_options.php and set $admin_usr for new admin's login, $admin_pwd for admin's password (you can also set encoded md5 hash for $admin_pwd - study in Manual for more).

2) Log-in with the data saved in p.1 above as admin, go to Admin Panel (link appears at the bottom of the page), click on "Restore Admin's data in database".

You're finished!

This solution works for all versions of miniBB.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 30 Sep 2005 04:19
Admin Password Change NOT Accepted

Heres a quick one. I had to access my forums away from home and to ensure security I make my passwords "strong passwords"

It seems it was a little too strong for even me to remember so I clicked 'Password' on my forum to change the password. I got my confirmation email and I clicked the confirmation link.

However, my new username/password combination is NOT accepted. Ive tried twice and I get the same outcome. Any suggestions?

Author Anonymous
#4 · Posted: 30 Sep 2005 04:27
Its ok - You can remove this one now. Ive gained access to my server and I opened my setup_options.php file and got the credentials from there and suprisingly they worked.

How come the password reset tool wouldn't work o_O

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 30 Sep 2005 10:58
You did everything correctly.

Password reset tool work for everybody except admin.

Sorry, it's would be too insecure for admin to reset your password via email :)))

Author agencybridge
#6 · Posted: 8 May 2002 00:21
3 Oct 2006 06:57 - Attached on mergeing:
Can't use Admin pwd !!! please help

could you tell me what is default admin password please!!!! help me !!!

in sql DB my table users have user admin and pass c534b81ec9ca0857b396223d5bd60828 how i can know what does it mean?
or tell me how i can change admin pass

Author GoodMojo
#7 · Posted: 8 May 2002 01:10
See your setup_options.php!
There is:
$admin_usr='xxxxx'; - your admin name
$admin_pwd='xxxxx'; - your admin password

Change it to whatever you want.

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 8 May 2002 10:14
Passwords are crypted with MD5 algorithm (one way only), so passwords in database won't tell you anything. Look the way like GoodMojo said.

Author Jennifer115
#9 · Posted: 12 Jul 2013 23:28
I have a question : How come the password reset tool wouldn't work

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 13 Jul 2013 15:56
Regular password reset tool is only for regular members. Admin password could be changed only modifying options file.

Author Guest
#11 · Posted: 8 Dec 2017 04:23

Hi ..
1st go to your setup_options.php then edit "$emailadmin=0 to $emailadmin=1"
"$emailuser=0 t0 $emailuser=1"
Then go to index file





Do every where "0" to "1"

Note "1" for your 1st reglistration id
Example "harry" is your admin name
Then it will be harry id number 1 and your 1st registration .
Note : required cokkies allow from your system .

Sorry for my breaken English . All the best .

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 8 Dec 2017 16:08
Sorry for my breaken English . All the best .
I didn't understand what your changes are above (and I warn all others do not apply these modifications) and left the post above just in hopes it would be clarified... First of all, it's not about "changing admin's password" at all, and all posts above clearly state how to change the admin's password properly.

Your code seems to do an attempt to change the admin's ID from "1" to something else, but this very wrong approach, specially when writing something like "Do every where "0" to "1" clearly states you don't even understand what you are doing.

Author Taboi
#13 · Posted: 19 Aug 2024 18:18
When I imagine how many problems there are with changing the admin password, my head starts to hurt

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 22 Aug 2024 18:43
how many problems there are with changing the admin password
There's no big deal for it in miniBB, as soon as you are familiar with FTP and editing files :) but obviously, you should be familiar with these things, else you won't be able to install miniBB.

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 how to change admin password
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