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Admin Panel link in header ?

Author tomekf
#1 · Posted: 19 Nov 2005 13:44

Is there any mod to move Admin Panel to header ? I like to have Admin Panel near by Logout.



OK, I have done this myself :-)

go to index.php


$l_adminpanel_link='<span class=txtNr><a href="'.$bb_admin.'">'.$l_adminpanel.'</a></span><br>';


$l_adminpanel_link='<span class=txtNr>{$l_sepr}<a href="'.$bb_admin.'">'.$l_adminpanel.'</a>{$l_sepr}</span>';

go to main_header.html

add {$l_adminpanel_link} in you in your menu line (<td class=caption2>....</td>)

That's all :-)

Author _Marco
#2 · Posted: 25 Nov 2005 01:39
Thank you for this tip.

I just added &nbsp;{$l_adminpanel_link} at the end of the menu in main_header.html and I did not modify the index.php.
This means I got no {$l_sepr} at the end of the menu, but I don't mind cause there is only 1 person who will notice; the admin. It saves me from modifications in the big index.php, which makes it easier to upgrade my miniBB to a new version.


Author Team
#3 · Posted: 26 Nov 2005 20:48
_Marco - It saves me from modifications in the big index.php, which makes it easier to upgrade my miniBB to a new version - that's better solution :)

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 Admin Panel link in header ?
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