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How to remove user fields?

Author wilkinsmd
#1 · Posted: 6 Apr 2006 20:25
I read in the manual about adding custom user fields in the dbUserScheme array, but I'm interested in the opposite...I want to delete/disable the user_interest field (and perhaps one or two others). I tried editing the setup_options.php file and commented out the user_interest field from the dbUserScheme=array{ ... definition, but this made no difference in the user registration form. How can I do this?


Author _Marco
#2 · Posted: 6 Apr 2006 21:25
There is a simple way to make this work.

Edit user_dataform.html and remove everything you don't need.

If a user did fill in this info before, you could remove the data in the users-table with phpmyadmin. Then you will never see it again.

If you don't show the options, they will not be used :-)
It would be unwise to edit the dbUserScheme, php-code or database when it is not needed. That would make updates of the minibb-core much more complicated.


Author Team
#3 · Posted: 7 Apr 2006 11:46
Marco is right - just edit user_dataform.html and remove not necessary fields. If you are professional enough, you can also physically remove them from database, and re-arrange the $dbUserSheme array after.

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 How to remove user fields?
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