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Hiding topics of a forum in "Latest discussions"

Author Danny2000
#1 · Posted: 14 Apr 2006 19:44
I want one of my forums topics don't show in "Latest discussions".
Is this possible?

Author _Marco
#2 · Posted: 15 Apr 2006 12:14
All topics in a public forum will show. If you move the topic to a private forum it will only show for people with access to this private forum.
It's also posible to hide every topic in a public forum from latest_discussions by using $lastOut.

It's not logical to hide 1 topic when the same user has access to the forum itself.


Author Danny2000
#3 · Posted: 15 Apr 2006 18:43
I know this is not logical!
but my visitors ask me to do that! most of visitors don't want to see that forum topics in Latest discussions, (but everyone can access that)

Author Danny2000
#4 · Posted: 20 Apr 2006 13:28
Create special forum, move this topic there and exclude this forum from Latest Discussions - the only way to go.
Can you please explain it again, I didn't get it ;)

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 20 Apr 2006 16:33
Create separated (new) forum, and move this topic in that forum. Then use $lastOut array setting to exclude this forum from the Latest discussions (RTFM for more).

Author Danny2000
#6 · Posted: 21 Apr 2006 02:51
thanks a lot ;-)

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 Hiding topics of a forum in "Latest discussions"
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