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Colored Columns instead of Rows

Author Slavik
#1 · Posted: 31 May 2006 14:52
I need colored Columns on the topic list page instead of Colored Rows.
And topic itself(messages of users) must stay colored by Rows, like now.

It is necessary for me to choose which Column to paint with one color, which by second.

Need your help step by step.

Author realitybytes
#2 · Posted: 31 May 2006 23:59
Not sure from your post if I am ont he right lines.

But the majority if not all of the "row" design is done through the css file and the templates and is defined with both/or the main tables and table cells.

you will find in your templates <forum class= or <td class

If you want to specify seperate cells then create a new class in the css and then change the table cell <td class to suit

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 1 Jun 2006 03:41
you need to modify the main_topics_cell.html file and there you can assign a certain class or set a certain style/color for each <td>

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 Colored Columns instead of Rows
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