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Content Rotator plugin released

Author Tom
#1 · Posted: 1 Jul 2005 21:54
Rotator plugin will rotate ten different snippets of code on your topic pages. Which one it will show, is decided from the topic number. If it ends with 7, the snippet no. 7 is displayed, and so on.

The download is at

I have requested this today via paid support form, but found a little of free time and eagerness, so I have decided to learn PHP (just a very little bit). But don't worry, it seems to work, despite I am not a programmer :). Of course, if you will find a problem or have a suggestion how to beautify or improve the code, I will be happy to hear from you.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 2 Jul 2005 22:26
Thank you, Tom! Now available in our Downloads, too.

Author cakeman
#3 · Posted: 4 Jul 2005 13:20
Someone has an example of a minibb forum with this addon ?

Author Tom
#4 · Posted: 4 Jul 2005 22:37

Used for the links above the minibb copyright notice.

I can imagine some better examples could include articles or famous quotes, or perhaps a slogan of your site.

Author Fritzek
#5 · Posted: 5 Jul 2005 18:11
sorry, Tom, but I don't understand what your plugin does. The posted example looks like a normal forum. Could you plaese shed some light to "idiots" like me. thanks in advance

Author Tom
#6 · Posted: 5 Jul 2005 18:49
It rotates content. Namely, ten different contents, anywhere you wish on your page. If you look more closely, you would see that the links change dynamically, there is ten sets of them, each set displayed on 1/10th of the pages.

Say you have an empty space on your forum, you would like to place some text there, but don't want it to be the same on every page. This plugin will allow you to have ten different texts. For the topics that have number ending with 1, the text number 1 will be displayed, for topics xxx2, it will be text no. 2, and so on.

Sorry but I am not sure whether I will be able, with my level of English, to explain beyond what is in this thread and in the readme file. I guess this plugin is not for everybody, but some people will find it useful.

Author karmanis
#7 · Posted: 6 Jun 2006 12:10
Has anyone understood what this plugin does? Any example page?

Author realitybytes
#8 · Posted: 6 Jun 2006 12:37
If I am right it is a link generator,

See the bottom of the following pages above the copyright of minibb

I could be wrong though

Ok after downloading and looking through it doesnt just have to be links it could be used for anything and placed anywhere you wish.

You should read the link from the first page about how it is useful for seo to get a fuller picture after seeing it in action on the links I posted above.

Author Team
#9 · Posted: 7 Jun 2006 14:49
it can rotate any kind of defined stuff. Banners, scripts etc.. at the bottom of users posts. It's a very simple script, nothing complicated.

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 Content Rotator plugin released
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