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Moving Replies addon updated (revision 3)

Author Team
#1 · Posted: 16 Aug 2005 18:28
As it was suggested, we have extended Moving Replies addon so it allows to create new topic on the fly and move desired post there with saving all attributes of the post (poster name, ID, time etc.). Useful for those who cares about clean and clear forums! Welcome for test and feedback.

Author Vishal
#2 · Posted: 17 Aug 2005 08:26
I think in the README.TXT file (line #57), for the file templates/main_posts_cell.html the addition after "{$allowed}" should be:
<script type="text/javascript">displayMove({$cols[6]}, 9);</script>

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 17 Aug 2005 10:02
Yes, it should be. Thanks! Fixed.

Author crystalclear
#4 · Posted: 15 Jun 2006 14:22
displayMove undefined?

I have a bulletin board. When I click on manual I get
Version 2.0 RC3a June 17, 2005.
so I guess that is the version, etc.

Lots of the pages display just fine, and the bullein board is running okay at the moment, but I sometimes get a
"Done, but with errors on page"
message in the bottom left hand corner of internet explorer, for example with this page. =1&topic=85
(I have a dial-up connection to the interent, and when I am offline, this link will not work!)

I saved the source code in explorer and repeatedly hacked out huge lumps of text until I found a version that didn't give the error message.
The last thing to be removed was
<script type="text/javascript">displayMove(180);</script>

This seems to be a call to an undefined procedure.
I've changed this line temporarily for the next few days
in case that helps anybody.

The forum is working, and there is only me using it, so it is no big deal. I know next to nothing about PHP, MySQL, fora, etc, and am surprised I have anything working at all.

Comments are welcome, but I hope somebody doesn't suggest things like install MySQL 12.34, PHP 56.78 and MiniBB 98.76, as I don't the time and patience for all that.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 15 Jun 2006 19:12
Everything we could recommend, is to upgrade to the latest version of the board, and the latest version of this addon. Your both board's and this addon versions are a bit old!

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 Moving Replies addon updated (revision 3)
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