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Setting up moderators for the whole forums at once

Author ZikZak
#1 · Posted: 31 Jul 2006 12:07
How do I give moderator rights to a user for every forum without doing one entry per forum in the modsarray ?

Can I do something like that ?
array(1,20)=>array(5) ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 31 Jul 2006 12:11
You can paste in bb_specials.php something like that (instead of default array):

$mods[$forum]=array(USER_ID1, USER_ID2...);

This will set specified USER_IDs for all available forums.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#3 · Posted: 31 Jul 2006 13:15
Hi, Paul!

Is it possible somewhere around the abobe, before or after, to add some more admins with the default syntax?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 31 Jul 2006 13:27
Yes, it's possible (not admins, but moderators).

/* Define moderators here as specified by default */


/* Define moderators here in whole for all possible forums */

$modsAll=array(USER_ID1, USER_ID2...);

/* Here goes the algorithm for concatenating both arrays */

if($forum!=0 or $action=='userinfo'){
foreach($modsAll as $mod_id) {
if(!isset($mods[$forum])) $mods[$forum]=array();
if(!in_array($mod_id, $mods[$forum])) $mods[$forum][]=$mod_id;

Haven't tested it but should work...

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#5 · Posted: 31 Jul 2006 14:01
Thanks, Paul :) Of course - mods, not admins, my fault.

It's good to know the above code because some days ago I made a new forum and a couple of hours I wondered why am I not a mod of the new one - I forgot that I must add it in bb_specials.php :)

I would even say that it's very useful.


Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 Setting up moderators for the whole forums at once
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