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Problems displaying custom field

Author Denre
#1 · Posted: 1 Feb 2006 01:36Reply Quote
Hi there,

I have problems displaying custom fields in de user profile. Displaying, information in posts, is not a problem, also updating of the information works fine, just displaying in userinfo.

I did add the $l_usrInfo to my language file, without any result.

Running latest version of minibb with file upload, avatar, pmail, smilies, custom rank and some other things.

I also noticed, menu options specified in the bb_plugins.php are not displayed when certain actoins are done and the way to overcome this was by adding these functions to the bb_functions.php. Adding function parseUserInfo_user to the bb_functions.php did not make a difference.

Hope someone can help me solve this problem, it is drving me mad!

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Author Team
#2 · Posted: 1 Feb 2006 08:46Reply Quote
Hopefully this article covers almost everything you need to know about adding new fields.

Author Denre
#3 · Posted: 1 Feb 2006 11:47Reply Quote
Thanks team,

Unfortunately I already followed instructions (problably nog correct else it would work) and don't see where I am going wrong. Everything works fine except displaying user profiles.

Any idea is welcome!!

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 1 Feb 2006 15:48Reply Quote
It's very difficult to imagine what you have done and what you have not done; this is very custom problem.

Most probably the index of $l_usrInfo variable is wrong. You can play with various indexes, increasing them.

Also, specifying $customProfileList array in options is more better idea than hang up on $l_usrInfo.

Author Denre
#5 · Posted: 1 Feb 2006 21:06Reply Quote
Found the problem!

In first instance I added the new fields just under l_usrInfo[11] and this gives problems. Adding the new fields add the end of the language file solved the problem.

Thanks for your help



Author mcasano
#6 · Posted: 11 Aug 2006 04:26Reply Quote
Hi! How can I get the correct indexes for $l_usrInfo customs fields? I tried with numbers 15 to 50 but I still can get the custom fields on the Public User Profile page.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 11 Aug 2006 07:53Reply Quote
It very depends on how many custom fields you have, how many default miniBB fields etc. Accordingly to manual:

For viewing new or custom fields on User Info page, you need to set corresponding $l_usrInfo variable. Keys of this array are the same as keys for table fields (for example, if key for user_icq is 5, ICQ language definition is $l_usrInfo[5]). user_custom1, user_custom2, user_custom3 database fields can be displayed on the user info page as well you will need to add corresponding values for these to the language pack though: $l_usrInfo[12], $l_usrInfo[13] and $l_usrInfo[14] ,- accordingly. You may also add additional custom fields, naming them so they contain 'user_custom' in the system key definition. In that case, set corresponding $l_usrInfo so it begins from 15. For example, if you have 'user_custom1', 'user_custom2', 'user_custom_name', 'user_custom_surname' listed in order one by one, $l_usrInfo keys are 12, 13, 14, 15.

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 Problems displaying custom field
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