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Installation problems, difficulties, hints; Database / configuration error via installation

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Author Stephen
#31 · Posted: 30 Aug 2005 20:00
I have all of the files uploaded and made the necessary db changes in the setup_options file, but when I go to install the screen stated:

"Authorization Required This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required."

I am using a Yahoo hosting plan and am capable of using both php and mysql. If anyone could help with this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.

Author Team
#32 · Posted: 30 Aug 2005 20:50
Which is the file name you are trying to access? _install.php? And what about other files? Could you access index.php?

Author Stephen
#33 · Posted: 31 Aug 2005 20:40
Thanks, but I got it working. Made a typo in subdirectory.

Author Steve Mac
#34 · Posted: 4 Mar 2006 19:20
Hi, I am really looking forward to using what looks like an excellent forum tool, but I am having trouble getting off the start line...

I set up a database on my server called serviceBB.
My server accepts my Mysql id and password fine, I have written them exactly in the setup_options.php file.
I made a folder on my server called 'forums', and stored all the miniBB files there.

However, when ever I input the address I get the infamous "Database, configuration error".

In the list of services my server provides, Mysql and PHP are not checked.

This can't be a difficult problem, can somebody help me?

The setup_options text is below.

Thanks in advance.





$main_url='same as';


Author Steve Mac
#35 · Posted: 5 Mar 2006 08:38
Hello again.
I think I have made some progress, but not much.
When I changed the "$DBhost='localhost'" from 'local host' to the actual IP address my server uses for FTP uploads, the error I receive when I try to open _install.php changed to "Database/Configuration error (DB is missing)".

Maybe this indicates my password and ID is OK, but my database is not set up properly?

Or have I named the database incorrectly in the "setup_options.php" file? The name displayed on my server admin screen is "Mywebpage_net_-_serviceBB". Perhaps I should use this complete name in the "$DBname" and table lines of "setup_options.php"?

I know this must be a simple mistake, but I cannot solve it. Please help me!


Author Team
#36 · Posted: 6 Mar 2006 07:39
Yes, you should use the FULL NAME of database which is indicated in this panel.

Author Steve Mac
#37 · Posted: 6 Mar 2006 17:36
Got it. Thanks!

Author brianb
#38 · Posted: 4 Jun 2006 14:15
Changing folder after installation

I would like to know if I can change the installation directory after installation. For example I have set up minibb at [website URL]/minibb/index.php. I set it up partly as an experiment because I have not set up any forum software like this before. I was thinking that it might be better to have the directory as something like [website URL]/antiwar-discuss/index.php. Can this be done safely by just changing the directory name or would it be necessary to delete everything including the database and start again?

Author Team
#39 · Posted: 4 Jun 2006 15:10
no need to delete anything, just copy miniBB into another folder and change $main_url path to miniBB in your config file - setup_options.php

Author TotallyAnonymous
#40 · Posted: 22 Aug 2006 02:35
renaming tables in installation

In part 2.2 of the miniBB manual, it says you have to rename the tables to other than the miniBB default names. What are you supposed to name them? Does it matter, or what?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#41 · Posted: 22 Aug 2006 08:10
It doesn't matter, but don't use symbols except latin letters, digits and underscore ("_") sign. In general, you need preferrably to change only prefixes, like if it is "minibbtable_users" change to "mbtable_users" or "forumtab_users" or anything else, by the same principle applying to all.

Author denyne
#42 · Posted: 20 Sep 2006 13:02
Still don't know what to do for installing....

I've read thru install manual.....but, still lost~~ lol

first, I've downloaded miniBB and I have all my files miniBB asked for and

I uploaded to my FTP, then what should i do?

I mean, they said I have to type the code or something that " create


anyone can help me plz?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#43 · Posted: 20 Sep 2006 13:47
Are you the person from those called "newbies"?

If so, it would take a huge time for us to explain you, what is database, how you can create a database and assign users for it. We prefer newbies are teaching themselves - or paying us for expert installation. Sorry, but this is the law of the market.

Author mink
#44 · Posted: 11 Oct 2002 06:35
4 Oct 2006 08:31 - Attached on mergeing:
Database/configuration error.

I set up my miniBB a few days ago and it's been working great until this afternoon when I started getting a "Database/configuration error." I haven't changed anything since when it was working fine, and I tried looking over the setup_options.php again for problems, but I didn't notice any.
Any suggestions?

Author 4days
#45 · Posted: 11 Oct 2002 09:03
if it was working fine and you haven't changed anything then check with your service provider - it could be a problem with the server.

Read more:

Database / configuration error when forums are active and already running

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 Installation problems, difficulties, hints; Database / configuration error via installation
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