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miniBB version 2.0 RC6e released

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 19 May 2006 08:00
Includes only a couple of small bugfixes, but recommend to update. Download and do it now!

Author andreasm
#2 · Posted: 11 Jun 2006 13:35
Will there be a field "real name" or something like that in user-prefs final 2.0 version?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 11 Jun 2006 14:31
I think, this field can be implemented custom way, if you need it. Check Adding profile's textual description thread.

Author andreasm
#4 · Posted: 14 Jun 2006 23:32
Oh that's too much work :) Why not implement it by default?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 15 Jun 2006 07:37
Implementing by default everybody's wishes is too much work for us, too, and completely out of the small board concepts. Here is the universal solution. If you need real name, add the field real name. If somebody needs age, he'll add the age field. What else? ;-)

Author felipelavinz
#6 · Posted: 2 Jul 2006 03:27
I was trying to create a new topic (not on this forum, my own test forum), but the "Create Topic" button didn't worked. I looked the XHTML source and realized that button was supposed to trigger a JavaScript action, so I tried to disable JS and send the message, which worked ok.

I'm using Firefox (latest version) on WinXP

Is there any way to disable that JS and let the input worked as in the "nocode" tag? Is there any special reason you're using JS to submit forms?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 2 Jul 2006 20:55
Which exactly version of miniBB have you used to create a topic? If you've upgraded from oldest release to newest, there could be some changes in JavaScript code of templates, which cause this action to complete.

In default release, this should work OK in all common browsers.

The main reason why we are forcing JavaScript, is that users must correctly enter all required data - topic title, message text, login and password if necessary. This is a very basic checking, but allowing user to not lose his data on submitting, if some error occurs.

Author felipelavinz
#8 · Posted: 2 Jul 2006 21:16
2.0 RC6e, which I downloaded three days ago.

By the way, I'm using the WordPress integration, I don't know if that should have something to do with it -- some time ago I asked on these forums if the changes made on the cookie management (bb_cookie.php) would require a new version of the integration files and someone from the team answered me that it didn't... I don't know if that is still the case

I'm also using the spanish language pack

Finally, I found the template I had to edit and commented the JS submission, should I expect any trouble with this?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 3 Jul 2006 07:39
I am sure there is some error causing JavaScript to execute properly, that's why you can not confirm the form. If you would know the reason of that error (in Firefox, it's easy to determine), that would be much better else if you turned off JavaScript code completely.

Author felipelavinz
#10 · Posted: 3 Jul 2006 08:14
I would definitely try to find it out... wait... is it just me who's been having some kind of trouble with this?

Error: syntax error
Source file:
Line: 17, Column: 12
Source Code:
var tlength=;


Error: tlength is not defined
Source File:
Line: 95

That is what I got with the Web Developer extension... I hope that can help

Author felipelavinz
#11 · Posted: 4 Jul 2006 01:30
Ok, here's the thing: there were some setup variables that weren't defined on the WP integration:


$description='miniBB is a free complete PHP forum...';

$startIndex='index.php'; // or 'index.html' for mod_rewrite
$manualIndex='index.php?action=manual'; // or 'manual.html' for mod_rewrite


On my case, it was the $post_text_minlength var. what was causing the problem... it should be the same case if you're using the latest release and the WP integration (which should be updated)

Thanks again for the help ;)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 4 Jul 2006 07:05
Ok, I didn't think that somebody uses straight setup_options.php file from the WP solution package. It's given just like an example. Thanks, I'll update this file.

Author Danny2000
#13 · Posted: 7 Oct 2006 02:45
Dear Paul, how we can stop this type of spammers: nikexyz2 or caiguo

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 7 Oct 2006 03:53
I think, this is new kind of Chinese spammers. This is a manual spam, not automated. Even if we have Captcha here (and even if you'd have it installed), we also got spammed these days.

What I did at this point, is just banned IP Anyway, if this is fully manual spam, I still don't know any other ways to fight, except that if you have a Premoderation addon or something like that... Let's see what happens next days.

By the way, eBay got spammed also by this "team". Hundreds of thousands Chinese people manually registered tons of eBay accounts recently. Huh? I don't know any solution against that.

Edit: we have banned the whole Chinese network on our board to prevent manual spam from these IPs (hosted on CHINANET FUJIAN PROVINCE NETWORK). Ban record is: 220.161.+

Author trc4949
#15 · Posted: 8 Oct 2006 09:02
is there a suggested upgrade procedure?

I hacked plenty of files on my current minibb install... I added all sorts of stuff to the template files and a few of the php files..

what files need to be replaced to make a complete minibb upgrade to the latest release?

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 miniBB version 2.0 RC6e released
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