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RSS per forum

Author Lunisneko
#1 · Posted: 1 Nov 2006 21:19
I am hacking up my miniBB for the sake of giving the option to have an RSS feed per forum. I will probably share the code once I'm done, but there's one critical thing I can't seem to spot: where is the html that's generated per forum title? I need to be able to add a link to an RSS page prior to the name of every forum title, but I can't find the file holding the HTML that's rendered. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 2 Nov 2006 04:21
The template is main_forums_cell.html if you mean the first page.

You may use the current general rss2.php file for generating the feed for each forum, separately, just modifying the code a bit. Look at the example I provided in Storage:

It can be used BOTH for generic feeds and separated by forum feeds.

So in main_forums_cell.html you need then to paste the link like

<a href="">RSS</a>

Author Lunisneko
#3 · Posted: 2 Nov 2006 14:10
That's the exact train of thought I was using! Thanks for the help. I didn't know this had already been partially done but I'll still share my results once I'm finished with the hack.

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 RSS per forum
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