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How to search for usernames using a placeholder?

Author tobyy
#1 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 06:39
Is there a possibility to search for a user using a placeholder? (in the Admin section)

example: my search "Mike%" should get these results:

Mike Skinner
Mike Jackson
Mike Jordan

hope there is a way to do that..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 07:21
If you modify bb_admin.php and locate the section

elseif ($searchus=='email' OR $searchus=='login'){

there will be an SQL request with a condition


so you will need to modify it a bit...

$whatx,' like ', '%'.$whatus.'%'

Author tobyy
#3 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 09:44
seems like that doesn't work... i always get 0 results..

here's the whole line:

if($row=db_simpleSelect(0,$Tu,$dbUserId.','.$dbUserSheme['username'][1 ].','.$dbUserDate.','.$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1].','.$dbUserShem e['user_email'][1],$whatx,'like',$whatus.'%')){

what could be wrong?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 09:51
Forgot to mention - you should search, not entering '%' sign in the search term itself. If you modify the code, it will find the names automatically by a fragment... If you enter 'Mike', it will find 'Mike Skinner', 'Mike Jackson',
'Mike Jordan'.

I often need this myself and probably will implement something like this in the next releases.

Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 10:46
hmm, it gives me 0 results too. good feature, though.

Author tobyy
#6 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 11:54
i always get 0 results... any idea what could be wrong? i searched for users i know that they exist...

Mike Skinner

none of these search terms would work... :(

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 12:59
Oh well, sorry. 'like' should contain spaces on both side. I've fixed the code above, try again. It works 100% on my side.

Author Anonymous
#8 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 13:19
works! is it possible to do this for members list addon?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 6 Nov 2006 16:20
Well, I'll think about it :-)

Author tobyy
#10 · Posted: 7 Nov 2006 06:55
works great.. thank you very much.

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 How to search for usernames using a placeholder?
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